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International Postdoc Program

Appointments with the DKFZ International Postdoc Program

Meeting Scheduler


Instructions on how to book your personal meeting slot

New DKFZ Postdocs are asked to make an appointment for a short onboarding meeting within their first three months after their start at the German Cancer Research Center.

This meeting constist of 2 Parts, in the first part of the meeting (15 min) you will meet with the Postdoc Program Manager Dr. Philipp Gebhardt in room D142b and in the second part of the meeting (15 min) with the Career Manager Dr. Barbara Janssens in room D138c.

It is very important for us to meet you after you started your Postdoc at DKFZ. Despite the current situation we will keep up the onboarding meetings but we will perform them virtually. After you have signed up for a meeting slot, we will sent you a link to the virtual meeting room. 

We offer the following time slots for you to book your appointment.


Monday, 22.11.2021:

  • Timeslot 1: 15:00 – 15:40
  • Timeslot 2: 15:30 – 16:10
  • Timeslot 3: 16:00 – 16:40

Tuesday, 23.11.2021

  • Timeslot 1: 15:30 – 15:10
  • Timeslot 2: 16:00 – 16:40
  • Timeslot 3: 16:30 – 17:10

Check the availability of the respective calendar (see below) and make a reservation by suggesting a date and time via the Outlook Calendar App. Your meeting is confirmed after you received a confirmation by the postdoc office.


How to check availability in Outlook/Webmail

  • Go to your local Outlook Calendar or to your DKFZ Webmail Account:  (calendar section)
  • Create new event and choose Scheduling Assistant ("Terminplanungs-Assistent")
  • Corner bottom left Add Attendees ("Teilnehmer hinzufügen");  choose from the list and confirm bottom right with "OK"
  • You will directly be able to see whether the slot is free or busy (Frei, Gebucht).
  • In case you need assistance with booking a meeting please contact Esther Mantey via .


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