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Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology

News of E040 in 2021

Dec. 21: Visiting Scientist from Chile in Heidelberg


Since the end of 2021, Camila Rioseco Mora from Chile has been working as visiting scientist in the Department of Radiation Oncology and Radiation Therapy (Head: Prof. Debus) at the Heidelberg University Hospital. Her visit lasts until the end of April 2022 and is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) as part of the project "Heidelberg Center Latin America (HCLA), Center of Excellence in Research and Teaching" (project "Medical Physics").

Camila Rioseco is an Alumna of the Double-Degree Master's Program "Clinical Medical Physics", hosted by the University of Heidelberg and the Pontifical Catholic University in Santiago de Chile. Since January 2021 she has been working as a Medical Physicist at the National Cancer Center in Santiago de Chile; upon her return to Chile, she will continue working in this position.

Nov. 21: Successful end of virtual summer school with Thailand


Mid of November 2021, we successfully finished the Virtual Summer School 2021: Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT) and Advanced Treatment Techniques. The summer school was hosted together with our colleagues from Thailand and Heidelberg and funded by the German Acamdemic Exchange Service (DAAD).

More information about the summer school is available here.

Nov. 21: Virtual International Day of Medical Physics


On Sunday, November 2021, the Virtual International Day of Medical Physics was hosted by the Division of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology (DKFZ) together with our partners from Thailand (the Chulabhorn Royal Academy in Bangkok, Thailand) as well as from Chile (Pontificial Catholic University Chile in Santiago de Chile). During the Live-Online-Event from 1 - 2.30pm (CET), our experts presented their views on the topic of the day: "Communicating the Role of Medical Physicists to the Public".

In addition to the live event, short pre-recorded video statements were recorded by different division members to show the variety of tasks of Medical Physics in Radiation Therapy.

More information about the event is available here. The pre-recorded video statements are available here.

Okt. 21: Start of the HIRO-OncoRay Lecture Series


On October 28th 2021, the first part of the HIRO-OncoRay Lecture Series (lasting from Oct. 21 until Jun. 2022) was initiated by the first live online lecture via Zoom. The Lecture Series is jointly hosted by HIRO and OncoRay from Dresden and is dedicated to employees and students of both partners as well as other DKTK members. The lecture series is not open to the public.

More information about the lecture series is available here.

Oct. 22: Virtual Courses in Particle Therapy


The Virtual Courses in Particle Therapy (3 different types) start on October 19th 2021 with the Online Phase. The Live-Online-Phase via Zoom is scheduled for end of November.

More the 30 national and international participants are going to attend the courses and we look forward to fruitful discussions.

More information is available here.

Sep. 21: "Röntgenplakette" for Prof. Schlegel


On September 18th 2021, Prof. Schlegel (former head of the Division of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology at DKFZ) received the "Röntgenplakette" of the city of Remscheid for his outstanding research in the field of conformal intensity modulated radiotherapy. The "Röntgenplakette" is awarded annually by the Mayor of the City of Remscheid.

The event was recorded. Please click here to watch the recording on YouTube. More information about the "Röntgenplakette" is available on the website of the Röntgen-Museum.

Sep. 21: Start of the 3rd virtual summer school


On September 06th 2021, the 3rd Virtual Summer School in Medical Physics: Applied Computational Methods for Radiotherapy starts with the online phase and more than 25 national and international participants. The summer school is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

More information is available here.

Apr. 21: Successful end of Virtual 8th MRinRT Symposium


On April 21st 2021, the Virtual 8th MR in RT Symposium 2021 as well as the Virtual Satellite Symposium were successfully finished. During four days, more than 350 participants around the globe met online to follow keynotes, highlight talks, 12 sessions and 8 interactive poster sessions. Furthermore, pre-recorded video lectures were also provided to participants as well as e-posters. Congratulations to our winners of the poster price as well as of the Young Investigator Sessions of 2020 and 2021!

Thanks to the great financial support of the sponsors as well as the support of the German Research Foundation (DFG) we could host a very successful virtual event.

More information is available here.

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