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Cancer Prevention Unit and WHO Collaborating Centre for Tobacco Control


Cancer Prevention Unit | Downloads

© DKFZ, Cancer Prevention Unit

Books, Reports, Brochures, and Factsheets

On this page you will find publications of the Cancer Prevention Unit/WHO Collaborating Centre for Tobacco Control, published by the German Cancer Research Center, that are available in English of the following categories:

  • Books and Reports: Descriptive, comprehensive handbooks and reports on tobacco and cancer prevention.
  • Red Series Tobacco Prevention and Tobacco Control: Comprehensive brochures on key topics in tobacco prevention and tobacco control
  • From Science to Politics: Two- to several-page fact sheets that summarize the current state of knowledge on individual topics in a concise and clear manner and are primarily aimed at political decision-makers (the page numbers given also include the partly extensive literature references)
  • Facts on Smoking: Two to several pages of clear and easy-to-understand summaries on the topic of smoking (the page numbers given also include the partly extensive bibliographical references)
  • Facts on Alcohol: Two to several pages of clear and easy-to-understand summaries on the risks of alcohol use (the page numbers given also include the sometimes extensive literature references)
  • Other fact sheets: Multi-page overviews on individual topics from the fields of tobacco and cancer prevention and tobacco control

The publications are sorted by year of publication and category.















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