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Since, Heidelberg is a major tourist destination; there are many ways to get there. Please visit the Tourism Heidelberg 'How to get to Heidelberg' page for a complete list of all the ways to get to Heidelberg.

View of the old town from the castle at sunset
© J. Becke

However, we recommend the fastest way via Frankfurt Airport. Heidelberg is ca. 60-70 min. drive from Frankfurt International Airport (FRA) along the highway (A5). From FRA you have several options mentioned in the table below to reach Heidelberg

Expected Temperatures in Heidelberg for August

Mainly Warm! August is one of the warmest months of Germany. Days are warm with mercury often touching 30°C and at night is ca. 18°C. Chances of rain are low but we recommend carrying one thin Jacket especially made of raincoat material for you.

View of the old town and castle from Philosophenweg
© T. Schwedt

Electric Socket Connections

Electrical voltage is 230 Volt / 50 Hz. Power Socket Type C and Type F.
Wall socket and plug: Image shows a classic plug with two parallel prongs (Type C & F) and two grounding contacts (Type F).


Participants traveling from outside Europe may need a Schengen visa to enter Germany. Please refer to the website of Federal Foreign Office ( for instructions on how and who needs to apply for a Visitor's Visa to come to Germany.

EU citizens carrying a valid EU Passport do not require a Visa to come to Germany. Residents of the EU who carry a passport from a country listed on the website of Federal Foreign Office will need an Invitation Letter from the Conference Chair to support their Visitor's Visa Application. Please give sufficient time for processing. See for an estimate of processing times (currently 14 days).


FAQ Schengen Visa

Info as of January 2024 !

Tipping and Currency Conversion

Traveling to Germany can be an unforgettable experience, filled with rich history, beautiful landscapes, and mouthwatering cuisine. One aspect of traveling that often confuses visitors, however, is tipping etiquette. How much should you tip? When is it appropriate to tip? In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the ins and outs of tipping in Germany, ensuring that your next trip is as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Tipping in Germany: A Comprehensive Guide to Gratuity Etiquette

Currency converter

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