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Dr. Katharina Heilmann

Dr. Katharina Heilmann

Dr. Katharina Heilmann

Helmholtz Internation Graduate School for Cancer Research

Dissertation 2016 University Heidelberg

Title: Epigenetic characterization of the C3(1) SV40T mouse model of human breast cancer


Publication list

  1. Röring M, Herr R, Fiala GJ, Heilmann K, Braun S, Eisenhardt AE, Halbach S, Capper D, von Deimling A, Schamel WW, Saunders DN, Brummer T. Distinct requirement for an intact dimer interface in wild-type, V600E and kinase-dead B-Raf signalling. EMBO J. 2012; 31(11): 2629-47. Abstract

  2. Karlsson M, Lienemann PS, Sprossmann N, Heilmann K, Brummer T, Lutolf MP, Ehrbar M, Weber W. A generic strategy for pharmacological caging of growth factors for tissue engineering. Chem Commun (Camb). 2013; 49(53): 5927-9. Abstract

  3. Forster T, Rausch V, Zhang Y, Isayev O, Heilmann K, Schoensiegel F, Liu L, Nessling M, Richter K, Labsch S, Nwaeburu CC, Mattern J, Gladkich J, Giese N, Werner J, Schemmer P, Gross W, Gebhard MM, Gerhauser C, Schaefer M, Herr I. Sulforaphane counteracts aggressiveness of pancreatic cancer driven by dysregulated Cx43-mediated gap junctional intercellular communication. Oncotarget. 2014; 5(6): 1621-34. Abstract

  4. Gerhauser C, Heilmann K, Pudenz M. Genome-wide DNA methylation profiling in dietary intervention studies – A users' perspective. Current Pharmacology 2015; 1: 31-45 Full text (PDF)

  5. Heilmann K, Toth R, Bossmann C, Klimo K, Plass C, Gerhauser C. Genome-wide Screen for Differentially Methylated Long Noncoding RNAs identifies Esrp2 and lncRNA Esrp2-as as Coordinately Expressed from a Bidirectional Promoter and Regulated by Enhancer DNA Methylation Oncogene 2017 (in press)

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