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Radiopharmaceuticals and Preclinical Trials

Service Unit for Radiopharmaceuticals and Preclinical Studies

Dr. rer. nat. Ina Kurth

Small animal image guided radiotherapy

The service Unit W630 for Radiopharmaceuticals and Preclinical Studies was established with support from the Morszeck Foundation and consists of four specialized subgroups:

  1. Morszeck Preclinical Trial Unit (PCTU)
  2. Radiotracer Unit
  3. Radiopharmaceuticals
  4. Cyclotron and Target Development Unit.

In addition to imaging and irradiation design/irradiation for preclinical studies, PTCU (1) provides consultation and support to potential users and collaborators in experimental design for animal studies. The radiochemical subgroups (2-4) offer support for research projects in the field of radiopharmaceutical chemistry by co-developing novel radiopharmaceuticals and innovative separation methods of medically relevant radionuclides as well as providing established radiotracers for preclinical studies. In addition, we support license applications for the handling of open radioactive materials, in particular for the nuclear medicine departments of the Research Program E.

The laboratory expansion for the unit situated at the Research Center for Imaging and Radiation Oncology building is expected to be completed by the mid of 2024. The PCTU is already fully funtional.


Dr. rer. nat. Ina Kurth
Service Unit for Radiopharmaceuticals and Preclinical Studies
Im Neuenheimer Feld 223
69120 Heidelberg
Tel.: 06221-42-1665
E-Mail: ina.kurth (at)

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