Major Cancer Biology Faculty

Faculty, Lecturers and Instructors - scientists from all DKFZ Research Programs actively contribute to the education of our master students and provide splendid interdisciplinary training in basic and translational cancer research in the fields of molecular and cellular tumor biology, biophysics and medical physics, structural and functional genomics and proteomics, systems biology, tumor immunology, tumor virology, tumor epidemiology, toxicology, and translational oncology.

Faculty, Lecturers and Instructors

Many DKFZ laboratories are incorporated into our innovative Major "Cancer Biology" Program. This allows the students to experience cutting edge science and to interact with internationally leading scientists at a very early stage of their career.


The lists of lecturers and instructors actively involved in the Major Cancer Biology study program are arranged according to their affiliation with the various Research Divisions and Groups of the five DKFZ Research Programs (Forschungsschwerpunkte):

How to become a Major Cancer Biology Faculty Member?

If you are DKFZ scientist or cooperative partner and wish to actively contribute to our study program by, e.g., giving lectures or tutorials, by organizing (part of) a HP-F practical, please contact the Coordinator, Prof. Ilse Hofmann (for contact see below), to discuss how your offer can be integrated to the program. We are always happy to welcome new active contributors!

In certain cases, teaching activities at the Bachelor level can also be honored by becoming a Major Cancer Biology faculty member.

Get in touch with us

Employee image
Prof. Dr. Ilse Hofmann
Scientific Coordinator Major Cancer Biology
Eva Gundel, Administration Office of Major Cancer Biology @ DKFZ
Eva Gundel
please direct all e-mail inquiries about the program to the Administration Office of Major Cancer Biology @ DKFZ

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