Systems Immunology and Single Cell Biology
- Immunology, Infection and Cancer
- Junior Research Group

Dr. Felix Hartmann
Group Leader
The Hartmann Lab at DKFZ leverages cutting-edge spatial single-cell methods such as multiplexed ion beam imaging (MIBI) to unravel how cellular and metabolic interactions within the tissue microenvironment shape immune responses against human cancers.

Research in the Hartmann Group

The progression and clinical outcome of human cancer are influenced by cellular interactions in the tissue microenvironment. Our lab strives to understand how such interactions influence the behavior of the human immune system. Specifically, we are studying how metabolic interactions between T cells, macrophages, and tumor cells determine immune function and tumor progression.
We employ a novel proteomic imaging technology termed multiplexed ion beam imaging (MIBI) to address these questions. MIBI enables the simultaneous quantification of more than 40 proteins and their spatial localization directly in human tissues. We have established the MIBI technology at the DKFZ and have set up all necessary experimental and analytical workflows. Now, we are using these workflows to analyze the metabolic regulation of human immune cells in clinical tissues. In addition, we are conducting functional studies on the relevance of metabolic pathways using genetic manipulation and human organoid cultures. In short, our research combines:
Systems Immunology: Analysis of the immune system in human tissues via multiplexed imaging. Together with clinicians, we profile human tissue samples from clinical trials focusing on cancer, inflammation/autoimmunity, and cardiovascular disease.
Single-Cell Biology: We develop experimental tools to study novel aspects of cell biology on the single-cell level, for example, the connection between metabolic reprogramming and epigenetic modifications.
Computational Biology: In collaboration with computational scientists, we apply machine learning approaches that utilize the single-cell and subcellular nature of our high-dimensional imaging datasets.
Overall, our lab aims to advance our understanding of the interactions between the immune system and the local tissue structure and thus contribute to future improvements in human cancer immunotherapy.
Members of the Hartmann Lab
We are a young and international group, and believe that leveraging interdisciplinary expertises within the team enables great research.
Dr. Felix Hartmann
Group Leader
Dr. Bénédicte Lenoir
Project Manager
Dr. Loan Vulliard
Postdoctoral Researcher
Dr. Yu-Le Wu
Postdoctoral Researcher
Sven Truxa
PhD Student
Miray Cetin
PhD Student
Jennifer Zimmermann
PhD Student
Kilian Merz
PhD Student
Domenico Calafato
PhD Student
Kathleen Schlüter
Charu Sharma
Master student
Ahmed-Amine Anzali
Master student
Daniel Gehrig
Lab Technician
The Hartmann Lab in July 2024

Hartmann Lab Alumni
Hanna Conrad, B.Sc. (Bachelor student)
Lars Noller (Lab technician)
Koen Kemna, B.Sc. (Master intern)
David Glass, PhD (Visiting Scientist)
Teresa Anthea Glauner, M.Sc., M.Sc. (Staff scientist)
Tim Kempchen, M.Sc. (Master student)
Tara Ziegelbauer, M.Sc. (Master student)
Maria Solivellas Pieras, B.Sc. (Bachelor student)
Lena-Marie Schmitt, M.Sc. (Master student)
Elisaveta Platonova, B.Sc. (Bachelor student)
Selected Publications
Glauner T. A., Truxa S., Cetin M., Schlüter K., Calafato D., Hartmann, F. J.
Cosgrove, J., Marçais, A., Hartmann, F. J., Bergthaler, A., Zanoni, I., Corrado, M., Perié, L., Cabezas-Wallscheid, N., Bousso, P., Alexandrov, T., Kielian, T., Martínez-Martín, N., Opitz, C. A., & Lyssiotis, C. A.
Learning tissue representation by identification of persistent local patterns in spatial omics data.
Tanevski, J., Vulliard, L., Hartmann, F.J., & Saez-Rodriguez, J.
Hartmann, F. J., Mrdjen, D., McCaffrey, E., Glass, D. R., Greenwald, N. F., Bharadwaj, A., Khair, Z., Verberk, S. G. S., Baranski, A., Baskar, R., Graf, W., Van Valen, D., Van den Bossche, J., Angelo, M., & Bendall, S. C.
Open Positions
We are continously looking for motivated people to join our laboratory and we offer positions in various stages.
Clinician Scientists: Please apply through the DKFZ Clinician Scientist Program and also send your application directly to Dr. Felix J. Hartmann.
Postdocs: Please email your application to Dr. Felix J. Hartmann and include a cover letter stating your research interest, your CV with a complete list of publications as well as contact details of 3 references. Also check out the International Postdoc Program at the DKFZ.
PhD students: Please apply through the International PhD Program of the DKFZ and also send your application directly to Dr. Felix J. Hartmann.
Get in touch with us

Dr. Felix Hartmann
Group LeaderPostal address: