Junior Research Group

Precision Sarcoma Research

  • Functional and Structural Genomics
  • NCT
  • Junior Research Group
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Dr. Priya Chudasama

Group leader

We investigate molecular and clinical profiles of sarcomas through structural and functional genomics approaches to better understand sarcomagenesis and nominate biomarkers and precision therapeutics for clinical evaluation in sarcoma patients.


Our Research

Sarcomas are mainly divided into two types, bone sarcoma and soft-tissue sarcoma. Sarcomas display remarkable genetic and histologic diversity, as reflected by more than 150 subtypes according to the World Health Organization Classification, which in turn poses significant diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties. “Actionable” lesions that allow prediction of response to conventional or targeted anti-cancer drugs and/or represent direct targets for therapeutic intervention are lacking in the majority of cases due to incomplete understanding of the events that drive sarcoma development.

The Precision Sarcoma Research group funded by the Emmy Noether Program of the German Research Foundation (DFG) has been established with the aim to better understand the molecular alterations underlying tumor development and to identify novel targets for precision cancer therapy. To this end, we employ tumor multi-omics data generated within the in-house precision oncology workflows, in particular the NCT/German Cancer Consortium (DKTK) MASTER (Molecularly Aided Stratification for Tumor Eradication) as well as publicly available data resources to systematically investigate the genomic, epigenomic, transcriptomic and immunologic landscapes of sarcomas to identify pan-sarcoma or sub-entity specific pathognomonic alterations. In a project-specific manner, we have applied latest technology platforms at the DKFZ, such as long-read sequencing, single nuclei sequencing as well as spatial transcriptomics, to gain deeper insights into the biology of the tumors. Mechanistic investigations of selected aberrations are enabled by our expanding model system panel and comprehensive toolkit enabling functional genomics investigations (e.g. CRISPR/Cas9 libraries).

We are currently pursuing the following objectives:

  1. Targeting critical disease processes: Focus – Telomere maintenance
  2. Integrative multi-omics characterization: Focus – Ultra-rare sarcoma
  3. Development of innovative therapeutic approaches: Focus – Targeted protein degradation

These studies will improve the understanding of sarcomagenesis and identify targets for biological stratification and molecular mechanism-guided therapeutic intervention.


Telomeres are nucleotide sequences composed of 5’-TTAGGG-3’ tandem repeats that play an important role in maintaining genomic integrity by protecting the ends of chromosomes from DNA damage by means of the telomere-shelterin complex. Replication of telomeres is carried out by telomerase. To achieve replicative immortality, approximately 85% of cancers reactivate TERT expression. The remaining 15% cancers maintain telomere length via a telomerase-independent mechanism termed alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT). Our previous work (Chudasama et al. Nat Comms 2018) and that of others has established ALT as a frequent feature in sarcomas that contributes to tumor progression. Being a cancer cell-specific process, ALT represents an attractive therapeutic target, however the landscape of ALT-targeting drugs is not well established. The interrogation of genes involved in ALT may reveal new biomarkers for targeted treatment of these aggressive tumors. 

Thus far, we have screened >800 human sarcoma tumor samples to identify frequency of ALT in various sarcoma sub-entities. Following this stratification, we have employed integrative multi-omics analysis to identify genetic alterations that separate ALT-positive tumors from the ALT-negative tumors to identify ALT-associated aberrations that may be targetable directly or via secondary dependencies. Using a large panel of rare sarcoma cell lines and patient-derived xenografts, we are validating the “druggability” of candidate alterations and mechanistically characterizing those using phospho-proteomics to lay the groundwork for nominating ALT-specific targets for evaluation in the clinical setting. Moreover, we are developing methods to address the impact of heterogeneity in telomere maintenance mechanisms using machine learning tools (Belova et al. 2023 biorXiv) and spatially resolved technologies (Frank et al. Nucleic Acids Res 2022).


  • Employee image

    Dr. Priya Chudasama

    Group leader

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    Wenxin Chao

    MD student

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    Sherine Joanna Fredrick

    Research Assistant

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    Hanna Frieß

    Internship Student, Molecular Biosciences

Selected Publications

2022 - NAR Cancer. 2023 Jul 24;5(3):zcad037
2022 - Nucleic Acids Res, 50(11): 24

ALT-FISH quantifies alternative lengthening of telomeres activity by imaging of single-stranded repeats

2020 - Nature 588(7836):164-168

Small molecule-induced polymerization triggers degradation of BCL6

2018 - Nature Communications, 9(1):144

Integrative genomic and transcriptomic analysis of leiomyosarcoma

Get in touch with us

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Dr. Priya Chudasama
Group leader

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