Konferenzbeiträge 2023

European School for Medical Physics Experts (ESMPE) on CT, Prague, January 26 - January 28, 2023

CT technology and future of tube current modulation and prefilters
M. Kachelrieß

Dual-energy CT imaging - types of acquisition, pros and cons
M. Kachelrieß

Requirements on CT technology for lung cancer screening
M. Kachelrieß

AI in CT image formation
M. Kachelrieß

European Congress of Radiology (ECR 2023), Vienna, March 1 - March 5, 2023

ESR master class in AI: AI-based image reconstruction - Basics, vendor implementations and potential pitfalls
M. Kachelrieß

Technical possibilities of photon-counting CT
M. Kachelrieß

Clinical photon-counting CT: The small pixel effect and its implications for dose reduction
M. Fix, Y. Kayser, L. Klein, J. Maier, L. T. Rotkopf, H.-P. Schlemmer, S. O. Schönberg, M. Kachelrieß, and S. Sawall

Dental imaging in the first clinical photon-counting CT system: Comparison to digital volume tomography (DVT)
S. Sawall, J. Maier, S. Sen, H. Gehrig, T.-S. Kim, H.-P. Schlemmer, S. O. Schönberg, M. Kachelrieß, and M. Rütters

CT tube current and tube voltage modulation to minimize the patient's radiation risk
E. Baader, L. Klein, S. Sawall, J. Maier, and M. Kachelrieß

34. Winterschule für Medizinische Physik der DGMP, ÖGMP und SGSMP, Pichl (Steiermark), 23. bis 28. April 2023

Grundlagen CT und CBCT
M. Kachelrieß

Spektrale CT
M. Kachelrieß

Lungenkrebsscreening: Anforderungen an die CT-Technik
M. Kachelrieß

Deep Learning in der CT-Bildgebung
M. Kachelrieß

104. Deutscher Röntgenkongress, Wiesbaden, 17. Mai bis 19. Mai 2023

Balance zwischen CT-Strahlenbelastung und -Bildqualität und Maßnahmen zur Optimierung
M. Kachelrieß

Fully3D 2023, Stony Brook, New York City, USA, July 16 - July 21, 2023

Projection-based CBCT motion correction using convolutional LSTMs
J. Maier, T. Herbst, S. Sawall, M. Arheit, P. Paysan, and M. Kachelrieß

Monte Carlo-free deep scatter estimation (DSE) with a linear Boltzmann transport solver for image guidance in radiation therapy
F. Jäger, J. Maier, P. Paysan, M. Walczak, and M. Kachelrieß

54. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik (DGMP 2023), 27. bis 30. September 2023, Magdeburg

Invarianzen neuronaler Netze am Beispiel der CT-Rauschreduktion
E. Eulig, B.Ommer und M. Kachelrieß

KI in der CT-Bildrekonstruktion
M. Kachelrieß

AI for a new interventional x-ray imaging application
M. Kachelrieß

Risikominimierende Röhrenstrommodulation in der CT- Behnken-Berger-Preis 2023
L. Klein, C. Liu, S. Sawall, A. Maier, M. Lell, J. Maier und M. Kachelrieß.

European School for Medical Physics Experts (ESMPE) on AI in Medical Physics, Prague, October 5 - October 7, 2023

AI in CT and CBCT image formation
M. Kachelrieß

2023 IEEE Medical Imaging Conference (MIC 2023), Vancouver, Canada, November 4 - November 11, 2023

Deep patient motion estimation: Pretraining, overfitting, or pretraining and overfitting?
T. Herbst, J. Maier, M. Arheit, P. Paysan, and M. Kachelrieß
Presentation    Poster    Video

Projection-based motion correction for shifted-detector cone-beam CT
J. Maier, T. Herbst, S. Sawall, M. Arheit, P. Paysan, and M. Kachelrieß
Presentation    Poster    Video

Low-dose CT: Reducing tube current, number of projections, or both?
A. Byl, S. Sawall, M. Rafecas, C. Hoeschen, and M. Kachelrieß
Presentation    Poster   Video

109th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Chicago, November 26 - November 30, 2023

Deep learning in CT artifact correction
M. Kachelrieß

Deep learning-based 4D CT and 4D CBCT motion compensation of periodic and non-periodic patient motion with single-view temporal resolution
J. Maier, T. Herbst, S. Sawall, P. Paysan, and M. Kachelrieß

Decomposition of CT contrast agents: Single or multiple photon counting CT Scans? Single or dual source PCCT?
S. Sawall, E. Baader, and M. Kachelrieß

Impact of the tube start angle on patient dose in single and dual source spiral CT
E. Baader, L. Klein, J. Maier, S. Sawall, and M. Kachelrieß


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