Konferenzbeiträge 2020

10th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography (iCT Conference 2020), Wels, Austria, February 4 - February 7, 2020

Graded material inspection by X-ray computed tomography
N. Brierley and M. Kachelrieß

Benefits of photon counting detectors for beam hardening artifact reduction in industrial CT applications
P. Trapp, L. Klein, J. Maier, C. Amato, F. Ballach, M. Hammer, R. Christoph, C. Leinweber, S. Sawall, R. Christoph, and M. Kachelrieß

2020 SPIE Medical Imaging Conference (SPIE 2020), Houston, February 15 - February 20, 2020

Deep learning-aided CBCT image reconstruction of interventional material from four x-ray projections
E. Eulig, J. Maier, N.R. Bennet, M. Knaup, K. Hörndler, A. Wang, and M. Kachelrieß

Can a deep learning neural network remove metal artefacts from clinical cone-beam CT?
M. Skaarup, J.M. Edmund, M. Kachelrieß, and I.R. Vogelius

European Congress of Radiology (ECR 2020), Vienna, March 11 - March 15, 2020 (postponed to July 15 - July 19)

Dedicated metal artifact reduction for photon counting CT
A. Byl, L. Klein, J. Hardt, E. Wehrse, H.-P. Schlemmer, S. Heinze,  M. Uhrig, S. Sawall, and M. Kachelrieß

Threshold-dependent dual energy performance and spectral separation in a clinical whole-body photon-counting CT
S. Sawall, L. Klein, C. Amato, E. Wehrse, J. Maier, H.-P. Schlemmer, C. Ziener, S. Heinze, and M. Kachelrieß

Kernel considerations for high resolution photon-counting CT: Dose reduction versus spatial resolution
L. Klein, J. Hardt, A. Byl, E. Wehrse, S. Heinze, M. Uhrig, H.-P. Schlemmer, M. Kachelrieß, and S. Sawall

Context-sensitive ultra high resolution bone imaging in whole-body photon-counting CT
L. Klein, E. Wehrse, C. Amato, C.H. Ziener, M. Uhrig, S. Heinze, H.-P. Schlemmer, M. Kachelrieß, and S. Sawall

Updates and future perspectives to CT technology
M. Kachelrieß

Towards 4D interventional guidance: Reconstructing interventional tools from four x-ray projections using a deep neural network
E. Eulig, J. Maier, N. R. Bennett, M. Knaup, K. Hörndler, A. Wang, and M. Kachelrieß

Photon counting CT: detector, prototypes and scan modes
M. Kachelrieß

First experience in man with an ultra-high resolution whole-body photon-counting CT for oncologic imaging
E. Wehrse, L. Klein, M. Kachelrieß, H.-P. Schlemmer, C.H. Ziehner, M. Wennmann, S. Delorme, M. Uhrig, and S. Sawall

Dual- and Multi-Energy CT: Physical Background and Concepts
M. Kachelrieß
Presentation    Video

15th European Molecular Imaging Meeting, Thessaloniki, March 24 - March 27, 2020 (postponed to August 25 - August 28)

Motion compensation and other advanced CT techniques
M. Kachelrieß

In-vivo coronary micro-computed tomography angiography in mice
J. Kuntz, C. Amato, L. Klein, J. Maier, D. Franke, N. Gehrke, A. Briel, G. Vande Velde, M. Kachelrieß, and S. Sawall

Ultrahigh resolution whole-body photon-counting computed tomography: A novel versatile tool for translational research from mouse to man
S. Sawall, J. Kuntz, C. Amato, L. Klein, J. Maier, E. Wehrse, D. Franke, N. Gehrke, A. Briel, H.-P. Schlemmer, C. Ziener, S. Heinze, and M. Kachelrieß

Potential of high-Z elements in photon-counting Micro-CT for optimized material decomposition
C. Amato, L. Klein, J. Maier, S. Sawall, N. Gehrke, D. Franke, S. Gkoumas, T. Thüring, C. Brönnimann, and M. Kachelrieß

ESTRO 39, Vienna, April 3 - April 7, 2020

4D-segmentation-based anatomy-restricted motion-compensated reconstruction of on-board 4D CBCT scans
M. Susenburger, P. Paysan, I. Peterlik, A. Strzelecki, D. Seghers, and M. Kachelrieß

62nd Annual Meeting of the AAPM, Vancouver, Canada, July 12 - July 16, 2020

How low can CT dose go? Introduction
M. Kachelrieß

How low can CT dose go? Options for automatic exposure control (AEC)
J. Maier, L. Klein, and M. Kachelrieß

How low can CT dose go? Summary and outlook
M. Kachelrieß

The Sixth International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography, Regensburg (virtual only), August 3 - August 7, 2020

Opening Remarks
M. Kachelrieß

Experimental feasibility of a residual-modelled material decomposition method for spectral CT
S. Wang, Y. Xing, H. Gao, M. Kachelrieß, A. Zheng, and L. Zhang

4D segmentation-based anatomy-constrained motion-compensated reconstruction of on-board 4D CBCT scans
M. Susenburger, P. Paysan, A. Strzelecki, I. Peterlik, D. Seghers, and M. Kachelrieß

Coronary artery motion compensation for short-scan cardiac CT using a spatial transformer network
J. Maier, S. Lebedev, E. Eulig, S. Sawall, E. Fournié, K. Stierstorfer, and M. Kachelrieß

Metal artifact reduction in photon counting CT using pseudo-monochromatic images
A. Byl, L. Klein, J. Hardt, S. Sawall, H.-P. Schlemmer, S. Heinze, and M. Kachelrieß

Decomposition of multiple contrast agents in photon-counting micro CT: Iodine and bismuth
C. Amato, L. Klein, J. Maier, S. Sawall, N. Gehrke, D. Franke, S. Gkoumas, T. Thüring, A. Briel, C. Brönnimann, and M. Kachelrieß 

A novel 4D-CBCT reconstruction framework via a joint of spatiotemporal dictionary learning and prior constraint
S. Zhi, M. Kachelrieß, and X. Mou

Deep learning-based real-time estimation of patient dose distributions for various medical CT scan protocols
S. Muller, J. Maier, E. Eulig, M. Knaup, S. Sawall, and M. Kachelrieß

Deep learning-based cross-scatter correction for clinical CT
J. Erath, T. Vöth, J. Maier, E. Fournié, K. Stierstorfer, M. Petersilka, and M. Kachelrieß

Structured regularization for material decomposition of photon counting CT data using collaborative total variation
E. Wehrse, S. Petra, L. Klein, L. Rotkopf, C.H. Ziener, M. Kachelrieß, H.-P. Schlemmer, and S. Sawall

Denoising of x-ray projections and computed tomography images using convolutional neural networks without clean data
P. Gnudi, B Schweizer, M. Kachelrieß, and Y. Berker

Closing Remarks
M. Kachelrieß

51. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik (DGMP 2020), 9. bis 12. September 2020, Leipzig

Erkennbarkeit von Niedrigkontraststrukturen in der Photonenzählenden Ganzkörper Computertomographie – Eine Phantomstudie
J. Hardt, A. Byl, L. Klein, J. Maier, H.-P. Schlemmer, E. Wehrse, L. Rotkopf, C. H. Ziener, S. Heinze, M. Kachelrieß und S. Sawall

Strategien zur Dosisoptimierung in der Photonenzählenden Ganzkörper-Computertomographie
L. Klein, E. Wehrse, L. Rotkopf, C. Amato, J. Maier, H.-P. Schlemmer, C. H. Ziener, S. Heinze, M. Kachelrieß und S. Sawall

Festvortrag 125 Jahre Röntgen: Aktuelle Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der CT.
M. Kachelrieß

33rd Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM 2020), Vienna (virtual only), October 22 - October 30, 2020

Dose reduction in paediatric CT
M. Kachelrieß

106th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Chicago, November 29 - December 5, 2020

Dose reduction potential through the use of patient-specific tin prefilters in diagnostic single energy CT
J. Steidel, J. Maier, S. Sawall, and M. Kachelrieß

Tin or copper prefilters for dose reduction in diagnostic single energy CT?
J. Steidel, J. Maier, S. Sawall, and M. Kachelrieß


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