Letzte Aktualisierung: 13.12.2024
… klinische Anwendung dar. Unsere Arbeitsgruppe führt die Arbeiten der Abteilung von Harald zur Hausen fort und erforscht das Zusammenspiel zwischen Bovine Meat and Milk Factors (BMMF, mehr als 200 dieser…
Letzte Aktualisierung: 24.01.2025
… the Honorary Memberships were approved for Nobel laureate and former DKFZ chairman Harald zur Hausen and for the founding chairman of the Alumni Association Peter Bannasch. Moreover, Manfred Schwab and…
DokumentLetzte Aktualisierung: 31.01.2025
… Krank- Abb. 2: Verschiedene Formen monoklonaler Antikörper heit im herkömmlichen Sinn auslöst). Harald zu Hausen postulierte bereits 1974, dass HPV das ätiologische Agens für Gebärmutterhalskrebs sein könnte12, und…
DokumentLetzte Aktualisierung: 24.01.2025
… upon suggestion by the then Chairman of the Board and Scientific Director of the DKFZ Harald zur Hausen. Since then, the strategic value of the Association for the mother institution has become increasingly…
DokumentLetzte Aktualisierung: 24.01.2025
… of infection and cancer, highlighted by the Nobel Laureate for Medicine 2008, Harald zur Hausen. On Saturday, June 19, public relations and patient information in cancer will be discussed, including…
DokumentLetzte Aktualisierung: 24.01.2025
… between Gliwice and Heidelberg. A detailed report on a visit of the Nobel Laureate Harald zur Hausen, a founding member of our Association, to India, prepared by another prominent Alumnus, Maqsood…
DokumentLetzte Aktualisierung: 24.01.2025
… had ever done before – some people thought he was crazy. Harold Varmus and I broke a rule, Harald zur Hausen broke a rule. To make advances, artists and scientists break rules, they ignore established biases,…
DokumentLetzte Aktualisierung: 24.01.2025
… the DKFZ as a scientist in 1987. When he planned his next career steps three years later, Harald zur Hausen offered him support to go abroad. He took the opportunity and went to the National Institute for…
DokumentLetzte Aktualisierung: 24.01.2025
… 50 50 50 50 September 25th, 1972 Inauguration oft the DKFZ Main building May 1st, 1983 Harald zur Hausen is appointed Chairman of the Management Board April 1986 Foundation of the Cancer Information Service…
DokumentLetzte Aktualisierung: 24.01.2025
… syndrome who otherwise would have died will benefit from this treatment. Prof. Harald zur Hausen, former Scientific Director and Chairman of the DKFZ Management Board and Nobel Laureate, was…