
Dr. Ina Kurth



My research interests focuses on preventing the development of therapy resistance, particularly radioresistance of tumors. Within this I focus on the translation of molecular markers from bench to bedside and back.



Division head of the service unit for radiopharmaceuticals and the Morszeck pre-clinical trial unit (PCTU), German Cancer Research Center, DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany 

Deputy Head & Laboratory Head, German Cancer Research Center, DKFZ, Division Radiooncology / Radiobiology Heidelberg, Germany


Professional and Scientific Vita:

1999 – 2005         Diploma (MSc Biology) at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Thesis: “Zelladhäsion auf mikrostrukturierten Substraten nach Stimulation der Actin Dynamik und der intrazellulären Kraftentwicklung”

2005 – 2011        PhD at the Technische Universität Dresden, School of Science, Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry, Dissertation: “Hematopoietic Stem Cell Differentiation inside Extracellular Matrix Functionalized Microcavities”

2012 – 2015         Postdoctoral Fellow, OncoRay - National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology, Junior Research Group “Biomarkers for individualized Radiotherapy”, Medizinische Fakultät Carl Gustav Carus, Technische Universität Dresden     

2015 - 2016          Postdoctoral Fellow, National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Dresden, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ, Heidelberg), c/o OncoRay, Group “Translational Radiooncology”, Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus, Technische Universität Dresden

Since 2016            Senior Scientist  & Laboratory Head, German Cancer Research Center, DKFZ, Division Radiooncology / Radiobiology Heidelberg

2020 - 2021          Project leader and head of the pre-clinical trial unit (PCTU), German Cancer Research Center, DKFZ

Since 2022            Division head Service Unit for Radiopharmaceuticals and Morszeck Preclinical Trial Unit (PCTU), German Cancer Research Center, DKFZ


Additional Experience:

Guest editor for the Wolfsberg special issue of the Radiotherapy and Oncology Journal, 2023

Chair of the user committee for the Small Animal Imgaing Core Facility and member of the user committee for the Cellular Tools Core Facility, since 2023

Member of the DKFZ Scientific Council, since 2022 

User representative for the FER project (new building for. Radiopharmaceutical research) of the DKFZ, since 2021

Competence Network Radiation Research (KVSF), Deputy for DKFZ, since 2019        

Member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Radioonkologie (DEGRO), since 2017      

Indian Institute of e-Business Management IIeBMTM, Pune, India, Course Planning, Student Counselling and lecturer: Planning and consulting of a timetable "Master in e-Business Administration – Pharmacy” and Lecture "Fundamentals of Pharmacology" as part of the course of studies "Master in e-Business Administration – Pharmacy, 2005



Coordination Major Cancer Biology Master Course for Research Unit E, Imaging and Radiooncology, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, since Januar 2020 

Course Leader and Speaker for 4th Summer School in Medical Physics 2022: Radiobiology and Radiobiological Modelling for Radiotherapy, 2022

Lecture in frame of the lecture series: Imaging techniques, radiation treatment & radiation protection, Topic: HNSCC Imaging clinically and pre-clinically, OncoRay - National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology, 2016

Supervision of 10 Bachelor, Master- and MD thesis



  • Patent on: Pompe, T.; Kurth, I.; Franke, K.; Werner, C.: „Bioaktive Verfahren zur Regulierung des Zellzyklus und der Differenzierung von Blutstammzellen und abgeleiteten Zellen der Hämatopoiese mittels Mikrokavitäten“ PD: 26.11.2008 (IPF-Nr. 10901/DE)

  • Laboratory built up – joint Radiooncological & Radiobiological laboratory @DKFZ running since 2018

  • Preclinical Trial Unit (PCTU) built up @DKFZ running since 2022



Climbing, cycling, baking, photography and design


Publications (last 10)

  1. Conde-Lopez C, Marripati D, Elkabets M, Hess J, Kurth I. Unravelling the Complexity of HNSCC Using Single-Cell Transcriptomics. (Review) Cancers (Basel). 2024 Sep 25;16(19):3265. doi: 10.3390/cancers16193265.
  2. Giraldo O, Sabyrrakhim A, Roscher M, Euler-Lange R, Baumann M, Kurth I, Hadiwikarta WW. Semantic Representation of Preclinical Data in Radiation Oncology. J Biomed Semant, ICBO Thematic Series Collection, 2024, preprint DOI:
  3. José Besso M, Bitto V, Koi L, Wijaya Hadiwikarta W, Conde-Lopez C, Euler-Lange R, Bonrouhi M, Schneider K, Linge A, Krause M, Baumann M, Kurth I. Transcriptomic and epigenetic landscape of nimorazole-enhanced radiochemotherapy in head and neck cancer. Radiother Oncol. 2024 May 30:110348. doi: 10.1016/j.radonc.2024.110348.
  4. Bitto V, Hönscheid P, Besso MJ, Sperling C, Kurth I, Baumann M, Brors B. Enhancing mass spectrometry imaging accessibility using convolutional autoencoders for deriving hypoxia-associated peptides from tumors. NPJ Syst Biol Appl. 2024 May 27;10(1):57. doi: 10.1038/s41540-024-00385-x.
  5. Barbosa S, Laureano NK, Hadiwikarta WW, Visioli F, Bonrouhi M, Pajdzik K, Conde-Lopez C, Herold-Mende C, Eidt G, Langie R, Lamers ML, Stögbauer F, Hess J, Kurth I*, Jou A*. The Role of SOX2 and SOX9 in Radioresistance and Tumor Recurrence. Cancers (Basel). 2024 Jan 19;16(2):439. doi: 10.3390/cancers16020439.
  6. Schniewind I, José Besso M, Klicker S, Schwarz FM, Hadiwikarta WW, Richter S, Löck S, Linge A, Krause M, Dubrovska A, Baumann M, Kurth I, Peitzsch C. Epigenetic targeting to overcome radioresistance in head and neck cancer. Cancers 2024, 16, 730 doi: 10.3390/cancers16040730
  7. Jagadeeshan S, Novoplansky OZ, Cohen O, Kurth I, Hess J, Rosenberg AJ, Grandis JR, Elkabets M. New insights into RAS in head and neck cancer. Biochim Biophys Acta Rev Cancer. 2023 Nov;1878(6):188963. doi: 10.1016/j.bbcan.2023.188963. PMID: 37619805
  8. Novoplansky O, Shnerb AB, Marripati D, Jagadeeshan S, Abu Shareb R, Conde-López C, Zorea J, Prasad M, Ben Lulu T, Yegodayev KM, Benafsha C, Li Y, Kong D, Kuo F, Morris LGT, Kurth I, Hess J, Elkabets M. Activation of the EGFR/PI3K/AKT pathway limits the efficacy of trametinib treatment in head and neck cancer. Mol Oncol. 2023 Dec;17(12):2618-2636. doi: 10.1002/1878-0261.13500. Epub 2023 Aug 31. PMID: 37501404
  9. Koi L, Bitto V, Weise C, Möbius L, Linge A, Löck S, Yaromina A, Besso MJ, Valentini C, Pfeifer M, Overgaard J, Zips D, Kurth I, Krause M, Baumann M. Prognostic biomarkers for the response to the radiosensitizer nimorazole combined with RCTx: a pre-clinical trial in HNSCC xenografts. J Transl Med. 2023 Aug 26;21(1):576. doi: 10.1186/s12967-023-04439-2. PMID: 37633930
  10. Klusa D, Lohaus F, Franken A, Baumbach M, Cojoc M, Dowling P, Linge A, Offermann A, Löck S, Hušman D, Rivandi M, Polzer B, Freytag V, Lange T, Neubauer H, Kücken M, Perner S, Hölscher T, Dubrovska A, Krause M, Kurth I, Baumann M, Peitzsch C. Dynamics of CXCR4 positive circulating tumor cells in prostate cancer patients during radiotherapy. Int J Cancer. 2023 Jun 15;152(12):2639-2654. doi: 10.1002/ijc.34457.



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