
Dr. Angelika Feldmann


Angelika has moved to the Heidelberg in October 2021 to start the Research Group ‘Mechanisms of Genome Control’. Here, she can follow her passion to unravel the basic principles of gene regulation in the 3D nucleus that underpin normal and carcinogenic cell-type transitions. She enjoys working with her exceptionally bright colleagues, spending time with her family, great food and books.



Independent positions

2021 – present
Helmholtz Young Investigator
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany


2016 – 2021
Sir Henry Wellcome Trust Research Fellow (University of Oxford, Oxford, UK)

2014 - 2016
Postdoctoral fellow University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

Postdoctoral fellow Friedrich-Miescher-Institute (FMI), Basel, Switzerland


2009 – 2014
Ph.D. in Genetics, Friedrich-Miescher-Institute (FMI), Basel, Switzerland

Diploma in Molecular Medicine, Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg, Germany

Major Grants and Fellowships:

2023     ERC Starting Grant

2021     Helmholtz Young Investigator Award

2016     Sir Henry Wellcome Trust Research Fellowship

2015     EMBO Long-Term Fellowship

2010     Fellow of the Marie-Curie ITN Nucleosome 4D


Key publications:

#corresponding author, *co-first author

S Mahara, S Prüssing, V Smialkovska, S Krall, S Holliman, B Blum, V Dachtler, H Borgers, E Sollier, C Plass, and A Feldmann# (2024). Transient promoter interactions modulate developmental gene activation. Molecular Cell 

Feldmann, A.#, E. Dimitrova, A. Kenney, A. Lastuvkova and R. J. Klose# (2020). CDK-Mediator and FBXL19 prime developmental genes for activation by promoting atypical regulatory interactions. Nucleic Acids Research 

Rhodes, J. D. P.*, A. Feldmann*, B. Hernandez-Rodriguez*, N. Diaz*, J. M. Brown, N. A. Fursova, N. P. Blackledge, P. Prathapan, P. Dobrinic, M. K. Huseyin, A. Szczurek, K. Kruse, K. A. Nasmyth, V. J. Buckle, J. M. Vaquerizas# and R. J. Klose# (2020). Cohesin Disrupts Polycomb-Dependent Chromosome Interactions in Embryonic Stem Cells. Cell Reports 

Ginno, P. A.*, D. Gaidatzis*, A. Feldmann*, L. Hoerner, D. Imanci, L. Burger, F. Zilbermann, A. Peters, F. Edenhofer, S. A. Smallwood, A. R. Krebs and D. Schubeler# (2020). A genome-scale map of DNA methylation turnover identifies site-specific dependencies of DNMT and TET activity. Nat Communications 

Feldmann A*, Ivanek R*, Murr R*, Gaidatzis D, Burger L, Schübeler D# (2013). Transcription factor occupancy can mediate active turnover of DNA methylation at regulatory regions. PloS Genetics


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