Cross Program Topic RNA@DKFZ
RNA has recently been recognized as an important player in cancer beyond its protein-coding function. Hence, many researchers within the DKFZ are now elucidating the expression, regulation, function and mechanism of short and long non-protein-coding RNAs in different tumor entities. The RNA@DKFZ initiative brings together these DKFZ scientists interested in the regulation and function of different classes of RNA.

Foremost, the researchers within this initiative focus on three research topics:
- microRNA expression, regulation & function in cancer
- Long non-coding RNA: RNA with structural or regulatory functions
- Mechanisms regulating RNA biogenesis, processing, activity or stability
Our principal aims are:
- Fostering intramural cooperations - especially beyond the borders of the research programs
- Exchanging ideas, methodologies, reagents and expertise among different DKFZ units
- Enhancing international visibility for RNA research at the DKFZ
- Establishing a critical mass of RNA research at the DKFZ for future network grant applications
Prof. Dr. Sven Diederichs
International Meeting 22.-25.06.2014
Each second Tuesday of the month at 16:00 at ZMBH 001
DKFZ members
Stem Cells and Cancer Prof. Dr. Andreas Trumpp
Molecular Embryology Prof. Dr. Christof Niehrs
Epigenetics Prof. Dr. Frank Lyko
Vascular Oncology and Metastasis Prof. Dr. med. Hellmut Augustin
Molecular Neurobiology Prof. Dr. Ana Martin-Villalba
Mechanisms Regulating Gene Expression Prof. Dr. Michaela Frye
Molecular Hematology/Oncology Prof. Dr. Alwin Krämer
Molecular Genome Analysis Prof. Dr. Stefan Wiemann
Molecular Genetics Prof. Dr. Peter Lichter
Mechanisms of Leukemogenesis Dr. Daniel Mertens
Cancer Genome Research Prof. Dr. Holger Sültmann
Chromatin Networks Prof. Dr. Karsten Rippe
Theoretical Systems Biology Prof. Dr. Thomas Höfer
Translational Neuroblastoma Research Dr. Frank Westermann
Signaling and Functional Genomics Prof. Dr. Michael Boutros
Proteomics of Stem Cells and Cancer Prof. Dr. Jeroen Krijgsveld
Translational Control and Metabolism Dr. Fabricio Loayza-Puch
Regulatory Genomics and Cancer Evolution Prof. Dr. Duncan Odom
Applied Functional Genomics Prof. Dr. Claudia Scholl
Neuropathology Prof. Dr. Andreas von Deimling
Neurooncology Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Wick
Cancer Epigenomics Prof. Dr. Christoph Plass
Soft-Tissue Sarcoma Dr. Ana Banito
Precision Sarcoma Research Dr. Priya Chudasama
Clinical Epidemiology and Aging Research Prof. Dr. Hermann Brenner
Immune Diversity Prof. Dr. Nina Papavasiliou
GMP & T Cell Therapy Prof. Dr. Stefan Eichmüller
Translational Radiation Oncology Prof. Dr. Amir Abdollahi
Virus-associated Carcinogenesis Prof. Dr. Ralf Bartenschlager
Episomal-Persistent DNA in Cancer- and Chronic Diseases Dr. Timo Bund
Virotherapy Prof. Dr. Dr. Guy Ungerechts
Microarray Dr. Melanie Bewerunge-Hudler