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4th International Conference on Cancer Prevention


29.10.2024, 08:30 Uhr

Weitere Veranstaltungstermine:

Es liegen keine weiteren Termine für diese Veranstaltung vor.


Michael Baumann, M010






Cancer prevention research and its implementation is a global task. Through our conference series on cancer prevention, we aim to increase the visibility of cancer prevention research at all levels, from foundational studies to real-world implementation, and to promote greater awareness of its vital role.

We are thrilled to announce the date for the highly anticipated 4th edition of the International Conference on Cancer Prevention and invite you to mark your calendars:

29-30 October, 2024

in Heidelberg and via live stream

The International Conference on Cancer Prevention is a flagship event series hosted by the National Cancer Prevention Center (NCPC), a strategic partnership between the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and German Cancer Aid. This initiative is in line with the German National Decade against Cancer and serves as a concerted effort to highlight the importance of cancer prevention research.

Scope of the conference

Cancer represents a major disease burden for our society. By 2040, the number of new cancer cases worldwide is expected to almost double to about 30 million per year. With the primary prevention measures already known, 40% of all new cancer cases could be prevented today. By implementing both, prevention and early detection, mortality could be reduced by up to 60%. However, the enormous potential of cancer prevention is not being exploited to the necessary extent.

Cancer prevention research and its implementation is a global task for the future. With our conference series on cancer prevention, we aim to increase the visibility of cancer prevention research at all levels, from basic research to scientific implementation, and to raise awareness of the importance of cancer prevention research.

This year we are once again making every effort to put together a comprehensive and exciting program that reflects current trends in cancer prevention research and its implementation. We are looking forward to bringing together scientists in the field of cancer prevention research from around the world to pool research expertise and promote scientific exchange.


DKFZ Communication Center


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