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Angelika Feldmann, PhD

Angelika Feldmann, PhD

Angelika Feldmann, PhD

Angelika Feldmann studied Molecular Medicine at the University of Freiburg, Germany. For her PhD in Genetics she moved to the FMI in Basel, Switzerland, where she worked with Dirk Schübeler on the dynamics of DNA methylation at distal gene regulatory sites. As a postdoctoral fellow in the Rob Klose lab at the University of Oxford, Angelika decided to focus on the mechanisms controlling the 3D structure of the genome. During this time she developed her current research interest in how structural changes in the genome guide gene activation. Since October 2021 she is pursuing her interest as a Junior Group Leader at the DKFZ in Heidelberg, Germany.

Curriculum Vitae

Independent positions
2021 – present
Helmholtz Young Investigator
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany

2016 – 2021
Sir Henry Wellcome Trust Research Fellow
Main location: University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

2014 - 2016
Postdoctoral fellow University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Supervisor: Prof. Rob Klose, Prof. Chris Ponting

Postdoctoral fellow Friedrich-Miescher-Institute (FMI), Basel, Switzerland
Supervisor: Prof. Dirk Schübeler


2009 – 2014
Ph.D. in Genetics, Friedrich-Miescher-Institute (FMI), Basel, Switzerland
Supervisor: Prof. Dirk Schübeler

Diploma in Molecular Medicine, Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg, Germany

Major Grants and Fellowships:

2023 ERC Starting Grant
2021 Helmholtz Young Investigator Award
2016 Sir Henry Wellcome Trust Research Fellowship
2015 EMBO Long-Term Fellowship
2010 Fellow of the Marie-Curie ITN Nucleosome 4D

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