Runder Tisch zur Eliminierung HPV-assoziierter Krebserkrankungen in Deutschland
The aim of the Round Table on the Elimination of HPV-Associated Cancers in Germany (Runder Tisch zur Eliminierung HPV-assoziierter Krebserkrankungen in Deutschland) is to bring together stakeholders in the field of HPV prevention from the healthcare system, research and politics on an annual basis, to intensify and optimize the exchange of information between the relevant stakeholders, to identify challenges and solutions and to jointly promote the implementation of these measures.
Runder Tisch zur Eliminierung HPV-assoziierter Krebserkrankungen in Deutschland – Archive
Program of the 6th round table on the elimination of HPV-associated cancers in Germany (PDF)
Presentations for which permission for publication has been granted can be downloaded as PDF files:
Review - Organizational matters - C. Köster
The impact of HPV vaccination program on CIN3 and cervical cancer incidence in England - P . Sasieni
News from school HPV vaccination education and vaccination motivation of the ÄGGF in Bavaria - H. Kramer
Evaluation of a Bremen school vaccination program to increase HPV vaccination rates - A. Takla
Concluding discussion - Summary - Outlook - J. Riemann
Program of the 5th round table on the elimination of HPV-associated cancers in Germany (PDF)
Presentations for which permission for publication has been granted can be downloaded as PDF files:
Commemoration of Prof. Dr. Harald zur Hausen - J. Riemann
Review - Organizational matters - N . Ouédraogo
HPV education - examples from the Ludwigsburg district - U. Traub (PDF)
The National Vaccination Action Alliance - H. Thaiss
Concluding discussion round - J. Riemann
Summary - Outlook - C. Köster
Program of the 4th Round Table on the Elimination of HPV-Associated Cancers in Germany (PDF)
Presentations for which permission for publication has been granted can be downloaded as PDF:
Review - Organizational matters - N . Ouédraogo
Development of HPV vaccination rates in girls and boys and influence of the COVID-19 pandemic - R. Thorsten
6th Bavarian Vaccination Week: "HPV vaccination - your protection against cancer - E. Gottwald
Health education in dialog - School vaccination motivation to increase the HPV vaccination rate - H. Kramer
HPV school vaccination: A political decision? - C. Hösemann
#letsTalkAboutHPV - Influencer campaign - V. Lenkenhoff
E-health = better health? - Ethics and motivational psychology in digital cancer prevention - N . Heinzelmann, J. Dörflinger
Free educational media for health education - primary prevention vaccination - C. Köster (PDF)
Further development of cancer prevention - U. Helbig
Summary - Outlook - C. Köster
Program of the 3rd round table on the elimination of HPV-associated cancers in Germany (PDF)
Presentations for which permission for publication has been granted can be downloaded as PDF
Review - Organizational matters - N . Ouédraogo
National Cancer Prevention Week: "Pikst kurz, schützt lang - Macht ihr Kind stark gegen Krebs" - K. Syri
Traveling exhibition: "HPV has many faces" - G. Schulze-König (PDF)
Update - Development and current status of cancer prevention in Germany - U. Helbig
News from the preventa foundation - C. Köster (PDF)
Awareness and uptake of HPV vaccination - GeSID study - M. Gerlich
Participation of boys in the HPV vaccination Vaccine Analyzer Project - C. Wähner
Update - HPV vaccination rates in Germany Data from the KV vaccination surveillance - A. Takla
Increasing HPV vaccination motivation in times of pandemic. What to do when everyone is talking about vaccination but HPV vaccination rates are still falling? - H. Kramer
Final discussion - J. Riemann
Summary - Outlook - C. Köster
Program of the 2nd round table on the elimination of HPV-associated cancers in Germany (PDF)
Presentations for which permission for publication has been granted can be downloaded as PDF files:
Greeting - M. Baumann
Review - Organizational matters - N . Ouédraogo
Alliance against HPV - News - J. Riemann
National Vaccination Steering Group and News - E. Gottwald
Update on HPV vaccination rates and initial results of a nationwide HPV prevalence study - A. Marquis
Current measures of the BZgA on HPV vaccination - results of the GeSiD study - M. Gerlich
Increasing HPV vaccination motivation through medical education and knowledge transfer in school settings - H. Kramer
A project sets a precedent - C. Köster (PDF)
HPV vaccine shortage in Germany - R. Wagner
Strategic development of prevention in Germany - focus on HPV vaccination - U. Helbig
Summary - Outlook - C. Köster
Program of the 1st round table on the elimination of HPV-associated cancers in Germany (PDF)
Press release: HPV vaccination rate: 70 percent is feasible and makes sense!
Welcome and introduction - H. zur Hausen
Presentation round
HPV-associated cancers in Germany - K. Kraywinkel
HPV vaccination in Germany: Current vaccination rates, hurdles and ways to achieve high vaccination rates - O. Wichmann
Group discussions - V. Froschauer, C. Köster, N. Ouédraogo, U. Mons
Plenary discussion, agreement on objectives and next steps
Summary and closing remarks - C. Köster