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Current study with all participants

As part of the MARIEplus3 Study, both breast cancer patients and comparative participants who did not have breast cancer in the initial survey have been invited again to a survey. We are interested in the current state of health of these women, additional illnesses that may have developed, their participation in preventive medical check-ups, their lifestyles, and their quality of life. The participants are now 65-90 years old or have already died, so that only about 40% of the original participants took part in this survey.

A comparison with the register of residents may provide us with the death dates of women who have already died. From the death certificates that we receive from the public health offices, we can see the causes of death, which are important for survival analyses.


The aim of the MARIEplus3 Study is to find out whether there are differences between the women who had breast cancer for the first time in the first survey around 15 years ago and those who were not affected at the time. We are interested in understanding how chronic diseases and lifestyle affect quality of life and lifetime in the long term.

With this knowledge, we can make recommendations on modifiable lifestyles that can help improve the quality of life and care for all women.

Current progress of the study

More than 20% of the women who participated in the first MARIE study have now died. More than 60% of the potential participants have taken part in the current study and completed the questionnaire.

We are in the process of preparing the data for statistical analyses and, provided that we have the consent of the participants, to verify the information on newly occurring recurrences, metastases or tumors.


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