Editorial Style Guide

The style guide serves the editors as a design guideline for a uniform web presence of the German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ) and forms the basis for the quality and consistency of the content.

Important notice

Frequently asked questions

Tutorials for content management

The video tutorials introduce you to the most important content elements and functionalities of the TYPO3 backend. Simply watch the videos and start maintaining your content!
Watch video tutorials

TYPO3 Editorial Manual

Guide for editors with instructions on all important functions in the TYPO3 backend - from creating and editing pages to managing content.
Read manual

Scientific Department Page

The exemplary scientific department page serves as a practice-orientated template for editors. It shows how scientific topics can be presented in a clear and structured way - from the introduction of the department and the team to current research projects, publications and contact details.
To the example page

Overview of all Content Elements

A content element is a unit in the backend of a TYPO3 page that contains content of a certain type and whose visual appearance is defined. Content elements can be created, edited and customised in the backend in the Page and List modules.
To the copy templates

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