Last update: : 10.02.2025
Oropharyngeal cancer (OPC) caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) affects over 30,000 new patients every year. Unfortunately, 65% of these cases are diagnosed at advanced stages, requiring more…
Last update: : 10.02.2025
Dr. Magdalene Schlesiger +49 6221 42 3104 A230 Emmy Noether group leader Our Emmy Noether group investigates how long-term memory formation is altered by addictive drugs such as amphetamine and…
Last update: : 10.02.2025
Celine Bauer Trainee Nishika Gupta Master Annemarie Stotz Master Sergei Dumpis Master Theresa E. Schäfer MD student Gemma Pidelaserra Martí PhD…
Last update: : 10.02.2025
Beate Throm A230 Clinician scientist Ich mache meine Facharztausbildung in Neurologie an der Uniklinik Heidelberg und promoviere zur neuronalen Aktivität von Gitterzellen bei der Pfadintegration.
Last update: : 10.02.2025
Dr. Duncan MacLaren +49 6221 42 3108 A230 PostDoc My research interests are focused on the neurobiology of learning, memory, and action-selection.
Last update: : 10.02.2025
DKFZ Rules of Procedure for Dealing with Scientific Misconduct The German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) regulates the procedure for investigating and dealing with cases of misconduct in science at…
DocumentLast update: : 10.02.2025
Good Scientific Practice - Implementation of the DFG Guidelines at the DKFZ Background/Foreword The aim of this directive is to establish a binding culture of scientific integrity in the sense of a…
DocumentLast update: : 10.02.2025
Felix Jose Kavarayil +49 6221 42 3107 A230 PhD Student I am a PhD researcher at the Faculty of Biosciences at the University of Heidelberg, specializing in in-vivo electrophysiological studies of…