Personalized Early Detection of Prostate Cancer
- Cancer Risk Factors and Prevention

Prof. Dr. Peter Albers
Development of new risk-adapted strategies for the personalised early detection of prostate cancer using a baseline PSA value

Our Research

The department Personalized Early Detection of Prostate Cancer is working on new risk-adapted strategies for the personalised early detection of prostate cancer using a baseline PSA value at the age of 45 or 50. It cooperates closely with the Department of Cancer Epidemiology (Prof Rudolf Kaaks) and coordinates the PROBASE study, one of the world's largest active prostate cancer screening studies in cooperation with the DKFZ. PROBASE is a collaborative screening study with four clinical study centres at the University Hospitals of Düsseldorf, Hanover, Heidelberg and the Technical University of Munich. Data management has been coordinated at the DKFZ since the start of the study in 2013. Prof Nikolaus Becker was responsible for this until his retirement. The study is funded by German Cancer Aid. Since the 4th funding period (2022), the study coordination has been transferred from the University Hospital Düsseldorf to the DKFZ. The study includes reference institutions for radiology (University of Düsseldorf), nuclear medicine (University of Düsseldorf) and pathology (University of Bonn). Biobanking of blood and urine has been established at all sites. In addition, samples from radical prostatectomies are stored in a tissue biobank at the University of Bonn. An MRI image database has been set up at the University of Düsseldorf. In total, more than 50 scientists and documentation staff are currently working for PROBASE.
Prostate cancer screening is on the EU agenda to further develop risk-adapted screening programmes. PROBASE will play an important role in providing data for this approach. At national level, PROBASE data and strategies will be used to develop personalised approaches for a risk-adapted prostate cancer screening programme for Germany. The department is also involved in European initiatives on implementation strategies for prostate cancer screening programmes.

In the PROBASE study (Risk-adapted prostate cancer early detection study based on a ‘baseline’ PSA value in young men - a prospective multicenter randomised trial), a modern concept for PSA screening is being investigated. In this risk-adapted strategy, PSA tests are carried out depending on the individual risk of the man, which is determined using a baseline PSA value at the age of 45 or 50.

The aim of the European initiative is to implement cancer screening programmes and ensure their quality. The DKFZ is participating in a pilot study on prostate cancer screening together with the Leibniz Institute in Bremen (BIPS).
Prof. Dr. Peter Albers
Dr. Agne Krilaviciute
Dr. Petra Seibold
Dr. Rouvier Al-Monajjed
Maxime de Vrieze
Further employees
Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Becker (emeritised)
Selected Publications
Krilaviciute, A.; Kaaks, R.; Seibold, P.; De Vrieze, M.; Lakes, J.; Radtke, J. P.; Kuczyk, M.; Harke, N. N.; Debus, J.; Fink, C. A.; Herkommer, K.; Gschwend, J. E.; Meissner, V. H.; Benner, A.; Kristiansen, G.; Hadaschik, B.; Arsov, C.; Schimmöller, L.; Antoch, G.; Giesel, F. L.; Makowski, M.; Wacker, F.; Schlemmer, H. P.; Becker, N.; Albers, P.
Boschheidgen, M.; Albers, P.; Schlemmer, H. P.; Hellms, S.; Bonekamp, D.; Sauter, A.; Hadaschik, B.; Krilaviciute, A.; Radtke, J. P.; Seibold, P.; Lakes, J.; Arsov, C.; Gschwend, J. E.; Herkommer, K.; Makowski, M.; Kuczyk, M.; Wacker, F.; Harke, N. N.; Debus, J.; Koerber, S. A.; Benner, A.; Kristiansen, G.; Giesel, F. L.; Antoch, G.; Kaaks, R.; Becker, N.; Schimmöller, L.
Krilaviciute, A.; Becker, N.; Lakes, J.; Radtke, J. P.; Kuczyk, M.; Peters, I.; Harke, N. N.; Debus, J.; Koerber, S. A.; Herkommer, K.; Gschwend, J. E.; Meissner, V. H.; Benner, A.; Seibold, P.; Kristiansen, G.; Hadaschik, B.; Arsov, C.; Schimmöller, L.; Giesel, F. L.; Antoch, G.; Makowski, M.; Wacker, F.; Schlemmer, H. P.; Kaaks, R.; Albers, P.
Krilaviciute, A.; Albers, P.; Lakes, J.; Radtke, J. P.; Herkommer, K.; Gschwend, J. E.; Peters, I.; Kuczyk, M.; Koerber, S. A.; Debus, J.; Kristiansen, G.; Schimmöller, L.; Antoch, G.; Makowski, M.; Wacker, F.; Schlemmer, H. P.; Benner, A.; Giesel, F. L.; Siener, R.; Arsov, C.; Hadaschik, B.; Becker, N.; Kaaks, R.
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