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  • Hoegen P, Lang C, Akbaba S, Häring P, Splinter M, Miltner A, Bachmann M, Stahl-Arnsberger C, Brechter T, El Shafie RA, Weykamp F, König L, Debus J and Hörner-Rieber J (2020) Cone-Beam-CT Guided Adaptive Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Enables Quality Assurance and Superior Sparing of Healthy Lung.
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  • König, L.; Hörner-Rieber, J.; Forsthoefel, M.; Haering, P.; Meixner, E.; Eichkorn, T.; Krämer, A.; Mielke, T.; Tonndorf-Martini, E.; Haefner, M.F.; Debus, J.; Lischalk, J.W. Secondary Malignancy Risk Following Proton vs. X-ray Radiotherapy of Thymic Epithelial Tumors: A Comparative Modeling Study of Thoracic Organ-Specific Cancer Risk. Cancers 2022, 14, 2409.
  • Frontiers | Secondary Malignancy Risk Following Proton vs. X-ray Treatment of Mediastinal Malignant Lymphoma: A Comparative Modeling Study of Thoracic Organ-Specific Cancer Risk (
  • Prospective feasibility analysis of a novel off-line approach for MR-guided radiotherapy | SpringerLink
  • Frontiers | Dosimetric Impact of Interfractional Variations for Post-prostatectomy Radiotherapy to the Prostatic Fossa—Relevance for the Frequency of Position Verification Imaging and Treatment Adaptation (
  • Frontiers | Dosimetric Impact of Interfractional Variations in Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy—Implications for Imaging Frequency and Treatment Adaptation (
  • Grosser KH; Häring P; Rhein B; Webb S: Conformal Radiation Therapy (Chapter 11). In: 3D Conformal Radiation Therapy - A multimedia introduction to methods and techniques 2nd revised and enhanced edition. Hrsg: W. Schlegel, A. Mahr. Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York, (2007).
  • Haering, P., Nill, S., Janisch, E., Klemm, S., Rhein, B.: Online IMRT verification by flat panel measured entrance doses. Medical Physics, 34(6) (2007) 2477.
  • Häring P; Nill S; Janisch E; Klemm S; Rhein B: Online IMRT Fluenzverifikation mit Flatpaneldetektor. In: Dreiländertagung Medizinphysik 2007. Hrsg.: M.K. Fix u.a. Bern (2007) 289-290.
  • Janisch, E., Haering, P., Rhein, B., Klemm, S., Nill, S.: EPI based quality assurance on siemens linear accelerators. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 84 (Suppl.1) (2007) S263.
  • Klemm S; Rhein B; Häring P; Janisch E: Bestimmung von HU-Toleranzlevel für die Qualitätssicherung an Computertomographen. . In: Dreiländertagung Medizinphysik 2007. Hrsg.: M.K. Fix u.a. Bern (2007) 296-297.
  • Klemm, S., Rhein, B., Häring, P., Janisch, E.: Definition of HU tolerance levels for CT scanner QA. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 84 (Suppl.1) (2007) S241.
  • Pruisken J; Häring P; Rhein B: Einsatz von Mosfet-Detektoren zur Messung von Absolutdosen bei der IMRT-Verifikation. In: Medizinische Physik 2004. U. Wolf, W. Wilke. Leipzig: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik (DGMP), (2004) 226-227.
  • Rhein, B., Haering, P., Janisch, E., Klemm, S.: IMRT total plan verification with the PTW ionization chamber array. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 84 (Suppl.1) (2007) S190.
  • Rhein B; Klemm S; Janisch E; Häring P: Dosimetrische Verifikation von IMRT Gesamtplänen mit dem Ionisationskammer-Array Seven29. In: Dreiländertagung Medizinphysik 2007. Hrsg.: M.K. Fix u.a. Bern (2007) 192-193.
  • Rhein B; Häring P: 3D Quality Assurance (QA) Systems. In: New Technologies in Radiation Oncology. Hrsg.: W. Schlegel, T. Bortfeld u.a. Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York (2006) 411-423.
  • Rhein, B., Häring, P., Klemm, S., Janisch, E., Hartmann, G.H.: Dose verification for Step-and-Shoot IMRT and its feedback potential to improve the dose calculation with the treatment planning system by modifying the input for pencil beam kernels used in the TPS. In: Quality Assurance and New Techniques in Radiation Medicine (QANTRM). Wien (2006) S 170.
  • Rhein B; Häring P; Debus J; Schlegel W: Dosimetrische Verifikation von IMRT-Gesamtplänen am Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrum. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, 12 (2002) 122-132.
  • Rhein, B., Häring, P., Pruisken, J., Schüle, E., Höver, K.-H., Schlegel, W.: A fast IMRT verification concept using multiple ionisation chambers simultaneously inside a 5 by 5 matrix phantom. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 73 (Suppl.1), (2004) 177.
  • Sanchez-Doblado F; Hartmann GH; Pena J; Capote R; Paiusco M; Rhein B; Leal A; Lagares JI: Uncertainty estimation in intensity-modulated radiotherapy absolute dosimetry verification. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 68(1) (2007) 301-310.
  • Thilmann C; Häring P; Thilmann L; Unkelbach J; Rhein B; Nill S; Huber P; Janisch E; Thieke C; Debus J: The influence of breathing motion on intensity modulated radiotherapy in the step-and-shoot technique: phantom measurements for irradiation of superficial target volumes. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 51(6) (2006) N117-N126.
  • Thilmann C; Nill S; Tücking T; Höss A; Hesse B; Dietrich L; Bendl R; Rhein B; Häring P; Thieke C; Oelfke U; Debus J; Huber P: Correction of patient positioning errors based on in-line cone beam CTs: clinical implementation and first experiences. Radiation Oncology, 24,1:16 (2006) 9 S.

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