Further Education and ­Training

Our division offers several regular online-based or virtual courses as well as yearly hybrid summer schools or workshops. These courses are designed for students and young scientists or clinical trainees as well as senior researchers or working professionals in clinics or research institutes. Our goal is to offer a flexible curriculum designed to meet the adult learner´s busy schedule. Participants should be able to attend our courses at any time and wherever they are.

DKFZ PhD Program

Further information on the structured international PhD program at the DKFZ can be found on the website of the Helmholtz International Graduate School for Cancer Research in Heidelberg. Depending on the focus of the PhD project, the doctorate can be awarded by Heidelberg University (Faculty of Physics, Heidelberg Medical Faculty or Mannheim Medical Faculty) or another university with the right to award doctorates. 

You can also download the poster for the "Medical Physics" section here:

Further Education

Information on our certified further education courses, workshops and summer schools for graduates and young scientists in the field of medical physics can be found on the following pages:

Advanced Training

For more information on our certified advanced training courses and specialized courses for radiation oncologists and medical physics experts, please click on one of the following links:

HIRO Courses

More information on the HIRO/OncoRay Lecture Series "Radiation Research in Oncology" is available here:

Springer Book

Medizinische Physik. Grundlagen – Bildgebung – Therapie – Technik

Editors: Schlegel, Wolfgang, Karger, Christian P., Jäkel, Oliver

Please note: the book is only available in German. Further information about the book is available on the following website:

National and international c­ooperation

Our courses and events are organized in close cooperation with our national and international partner institutions. We work together at various levels.

You can find further information on our existing cooperations under the following link:


The team "Further Education and Training in Medical Physics": Anna Moshanina, Marcel Schäfer & Dr. Simone Barthold-Beß

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Anna Moshanina, Dr. Simone Barthold-Beß, Marcel Schäfer
Department of Medical Physics in Radiotherapy (E040)

German Cancer Research Center
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
DE-69120 Heidelberg

Get in touch with us

Two scientists looking at a computer monitor
Dr. Simone Barthold-Beß
Scientific Officer
Contact form: Message to Dr. Simone Barthold-Beß

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Two scientists looking at a computer monitor
Anna Moshanina
Office Administration "Further Education and Training"
Contact form: Message to Anna Moshanina

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Two scientists looking at a computer monitor
Marcel Schäfer
Program and E-Learning Coordinator "Further Education and Training"
Contact form: Message to Marcel Schäfer

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