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Thank you and Goodbye

As local organizing team, we were very happy to welcome such a nice audience online as well as in Santiago de Chile. It was a pleasure to host such interesting event with participants from around the globe. Congratulations to the winners of the poster prizes.

We wish everyone all the best for their professional career. See you next time in Heidelberg or even in Chile!

Click here to get some impressions from the hybrid attendance phase in Santiago de Chile!


Image Registration during treatment process

An effective radiation dose to the tumor while sparing the surrounding healthy tissues is crucial for the success of radiation therapy. This requires precise focusing of the radiation on the tumor to be treated, and therefore, the precise determination of the tumor location with the highest possible accuracy. Today's radiotherapy treatment techniques are no longer conceivable without the integration of medical imaging. The integration of imaging enables a therapy that is optimized for each patient and can be adapted for all possible anatomical changes of the tumor and sorrounding organs at risk.

Our summer school will focus on the role of imaging in the radiotherapy process discussing the benefits and challenges. Thanks to our funds from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (FMER) as well as from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), participation is free of charge, but limited!

Target Group and Certificate

Participants at HCLA

Our summer school is designed for national and international PhD/MD, MSc or BSc students with a background in Physics, Medical Physics, Medical Engineering, Radiation Therapy, Medical Technology or Radiology or similar. Furthermore, young professionals, clinical trainees or medical technologists already working in clinics are also welcome to the course. Ca. 25 participants can attend 100% virtually, max. 25 participants can attend online and on site at the Heidelberg Center Latin America (HCLA) in Santiago de Chile. 

Once successfully completing the summer school, participants will get a certificate of attendance including supplement with 6,5 ECTS points indicated, issued by the German Cancer Research Center and our partners.

Dates, Program & Flyer

Start of Application: May 15th 2023

Application is closed!

Abstract Submission for Poster Session is closed!

Confirmation of acceptance: beginning/middle of Aug. 2023

Online Phase: Oct. 16th - Dec. 10th 2023

Online Test (Multiple Choice): Nov. 20th (6pm CET) - Dec. 07th 2023 (11.55pm CET)
(During this period participants can do the online test whenever they have time.)

4 Live Online Sessions via Zoom (taking place during the online phase; mandatory attendance):

  1. Oct. 23rd 2023, 11am - 1pm (Chile)/4 - 6pm (CEST/Germany): Prof. Caprile Etchart & Prof. Jäkel, plus coordinating team
  2. Nov. 23rd 2023, 12pm - 2pm (Chile)/4 - 6pm (CET/Germany): Stefan Sawall, PhD & Stefan Dorsch, PhD
  3. Dec. 06th 2023, 12pm - 2pm (Chile)/4 - 6pm (CET/Germany): Katharina Weusthoff
  4. Dec. 07th 2023, 12.45pm - 2pm (Chile)/4.45 - 6pm (CET/Germany): Dr. Michaela Steiner, Pamela Ochoa-Parra, Prof. Caprile Etchart & Prof. Jäkel

Hybrid Attendance Phase at HCLA or Live Online Phase via Zoom: Dec. 11th - Dec. 15th 2023

Exam (Multiple Choice): Dec. 15th 2023, 11.30am - 12.30pm (on site at HCLA as well as online on Zoom)

Teaching Language: English

Online Phase & Virtual Tours

© Public Domain

Our summer school starts with an online phase of about 8 weeks. During this period, participants get access to the virtual learning platform Moodle which provides all learning materials such as pre-recorded video lectures and lecture notes as PDFs and further short tasks. Furthermore, mandatory live online sessions via Zoom with experts from Heidelberg or Chile are scheduled during this online phase (for days and times, see program).

The online phase is terminated by the mandatory online test consisting of multiple-choice questions about all topics taught during the online phase. The test can be done during the last weeks of the online phase whenever participants have time, and its successful completion (50% of points indicated) is a prerequisite to participate in the attendance phase or the live online phase.

During the online phase, participants will get access to virtual tours about treatment devices in Heidelberg. The tours explain the different workflows of these devices. During the attendance phase, participants will discuss the workflows with the experts from Heidelberg. 

Please also download and read our technical requirements to attend the summer school: 

Hybrid Attendance Phase

Hybrid Session at HCLA

The hybrid attendance phase in Santiago de Chile will discuss the radiotherapy workflow and the role of imaging. Lectures during the morning as well as interactive discussion rounds and practical sessions or workshops during the afternoon with our teaching staff from Germany and Chile ensure interesting sessions for everyone, no matter if participants attend 100% virtually or on-site in Chile.

To foster scientific exchange between participants and teaching staff, interactive poster sessions are also scheduled during the attendance phase. Applicants can submit abstracts for posters to be selected in the application process. These poster sessions are open to everyone, no matter if the presenter attends online only or on-site in Chile. 

Further networking activities such as Get Together, a guided City Tour as well as our Dinner with participants and speakers are scheduled in Chile, thanks to the funds from FMER and DAAD. 

Please note: Travel, accommodation and living expenses during the attendance phase have to be covered by participants themselves. Catering during coffee and lunch breaks and the dinner as well as the named networking activities are covered by our funds.


Main Entrance of the HCLA

The hybrid attendance phase takes place at the following venue: 

Heidelberg Center Latin America (HCLA)
Las Hortensias 2340
Providencia, Santiago de Chile

Google Maps: 

Application Procedure

© Public domain

Participation is free of charge, but limited to max. 25 participants attending 100% virtually as well as 25 participants attending online and on-site at HCLA. 

Application Procedure

Start of Application: May 15th 2023

Application is closed!

Abstract Submission for Poster Session is closed!

Confirmation of acceptance: beginning / middle of August 2023

Please click on the link below to start your application:

Course Leaders and Speakers

Prof. Paola Caprile Etchart, PhD and Prof. Oliver Jäkel, PhD


Anna Moshanina, Marcel Schäfer, Simone Barthold-Beß, PhD

Please feel free to contact us by email to if you have any questions.

Local Organizing Team

Anna Moshanina, Dr. Simone Barthold-Beß, Marcel Schäfer
Division of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology

German Cancer Research Center
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
DE-69120 Heidelberg, Germany

Phone: +49-6221/42-3481
Please note: our team is currently working from home. So please contact us by email. Thank you!

Fincancial Support

The summer school is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (FMER) as well as by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).










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