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Thank you!

Successful last online session on Nov. 19th 2021

After two months of online learning, we are very proud of our ca. 30 international participants that successfully completed the virtual summer school on "Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT) and Advanced Treatment Techniques". During our last online session with the course leaders Prof. Jäkel (DKFZ) and Dr. Todsaporn (CRA) as well as Dr. Liamsuwan (CRA) and Anna Moshanina and Marcel Schäfer (both DKFZ) we said "Goodby" to all participants (see screenshot).

We are looking forward to our next courses in Medical Physics (see! Please feel free to contact us via if you want to be put to the list of people who would like to be informed about our future courses.

Welcome at DKFZ and CRA

Bhattara Maha Raja Memorial Medical Centre, Bangkok, Thailand
© Chulabhorn Royal Academy (CRA)

We would like to welcome you to our virtual summer school on "Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT) and Advanced Treatment Techniques". We are very happy to host this virtual summer school jointly with our colleagues from the "Faculty of Medicine and Public Health, HRH Princess Chulabhorn College of Medical Science, Chulabhorn Royal Academy" (CRA), Bangkok, Thailand.

CRA and dkfz would like to warmly welcome especially young scientists from the Asian Region and hope that many of you take advantage of participating in this virtual event.

The topic of image guided radiation therapy is certainly not new, but has gained significant momentum in the last years, due to several technological developments, like improved cone-beam CT and integration of imaging in several hybrid machines, like the Cyberknife, the Tomotherapy or the MR-Linac units. These techniques allow for more and better possibilities of treatment adaption, which aim at improved normal tissue sparing. In the summer school we will address all aspects of these developments, from the basics of the imaging systems, to the technological aspects and finally also the clinical application and potential of the various techniques.

We would like to thank especially the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for providing us the funds, which allows for participation free of charge, however, for a limited number of participants!

Please feel free to download and share our flyer to tell your colleagues!

Dates and Program

Main Entrance, DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany

Online Phase: Sep. 20th - Nov. 14th 2021

Online Test: Nov. 01st - Nov. 11th 2021

Live Online Sessions via Zoom (taking place during the Online Phase):

  1. Tue. Oct. 19th 2021, 3 - 5pm ICT (10am - 12pm CEST)
  2. Tue. Oct. 26th 2021, 3 - 5pm ICT (10am - 12pm CEST)
  3. Wed. Oct. 27th 2021, 3 - 5pm ICT (10am - 12pm CEST)
  4. Tue. Nov. 02nd 2021, 3 - 5pm ICT (9 - 11am CET)
  5. Tue. Nov. 09th 2021, 3 - 5pm ICT (9 - 11am CET)

Live Online Phase via Zoom: Nov. 15th - 19th 2021

Online Exam via Zoom and Moodle: Nov. 19th 2021, 6-7pm ICT (12-1pm CET)

The teaching and examination language is English.

Please download our program (version as of Sep. 30th 2021) for more details about the topics and dates of our virtual summer school.

Description of Online Phase

Our virtual summer school starts with an online phase of about 8 weeks. During this period, participants get access to the virtual learning platform Moodle which provides all learning materials such as pre-recorded video lectures and lecture notes as PDFs and further short tasks. Furthermore, mandatory Live Online Sessions via Zoom with experts from Heidelberg and Thailand are scheduled within this online phase (days and times see program). The online phase is terminated by a mandatory online test consisting of Multiple-Choice questions about all topics taught during the online phase. The test can be done during the last 10 days of the online phase whenever participants have time and its successful completion (50% of points indicated) is a pre-requisit to particpate in the Live Online Phase in November.

Please also download and read our technical requirements to attend our virtual summer school.

Description of Live Online Phase and Online Exam

During the Live Online Phase in November, there are several interactive online sessions scheduled each day with our experts from Thailand and Heidelberg. Participation is mandatory for all attendees.

The whole summer school will be terminated by a Wrap-Up Session and the Online Exam, taking placce via Zoom and on Moodle at the same time. The online exam consists of Multiple Choice questions and covers all topics taught during the summer school. To successfully pass the online exam, 50% of the points indicated have to be reached.

Target Group and Certificate

Our virtual summer school is dedicated to young scientists and graduates (BSc or MSc or PhD students) with a degree in physics, medical physics or medical technology, computer science, radiation oncology or similar mainly from the Asian Region. 

Once successfully completed, participants will get a certificate of attendance, issued by dkfz and CRA.


Application Procedure

Call of application was extended until August 15th 2021. Please use the link below to submit your application documents. Decision will be made at the end of August. Participation is free of charge, but limited to 40 people.

Application is closed!


Please contact us via email to if you have any further questions.

Organizing Team:

Anna Moshanina, Dr. Simone Barthold-Beß, Marcel Schäfer (DKFZ)

Dr. Thiansin Liamsuwan (CRA)

Financial Support & Accreditations

The summer school is financially supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).



The summer school is accredited by the International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP) with 100.5 CPD points!



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