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Below, you may find a list of short videos (ca. 2-5 min. each) by members of all contributing institutes of the Virtual International Day of Medical Physcis 2021. Just watch the videos to get an insight into the daily tasks and challenges in Medical Physics and Radiation Therapy.

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Alexandra Walter (PhD Student at DKFZ)

Alexandra Walter is a PhD Student in the Helmholtz Information and Data Science School for Healt (HIDSS) and works in the Research Group Computational Patient Models at DKFZ as well as at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

Data Citation of CT Data set shown in the video:

McCollough, C.H., Chen, B., Holmes, D., III, Duan, X., Yu, Z., Yu, L., Leng, S., Fletcher, J. (2020). Data from Low Dose CT Image and Projection Data [Data set]. The Cancer Imaging Archive.

Anahita Bakhtiari Moghaddam (Master's Student at DKFZ)

Anahita Bakhtiari Moghaddam is a Master's student in the Research Group Medical Engineering in the Division of Medical Physics in Radiation Therapy. She studies Medical Physics and has just started her Master's Thesis in her research group.

Prof Beatriz Sánchez Nieto (Associate Professor at UC)

Prof. Beatriz Sánchez Nieto is an Associate Professor at the Physics Faculty at the Pontificial Catholic University Chile in Santiago de Chile (UC). She holds a PhD in Medical Physics and is part of the teaching team of the Master's program "Medical Physics" at UC.

Bogdan Zhukov (Master's Student at DKFZ)

Bogdan Zhukov is a Physics Master's Student of the Research Group Applied Medical Radiation Physics and works in the field of Ultrasound-giuded Radiotherapy.

Emily Hellwich (Master's Student at DKFZ)

Emily Hellwich joined the Research Group Applied Medical Radiation Physics as student assistent. She studies Physics and currently works on her Master's Thesis about "DNA damage repair inhibition and radiation therapy for lung, pancreas and HNSSC spheroids" in the division of Division of Radiooncology / Radiobiology.

Dr. Niklas Wahl (Post-Doc at DKFZ)

Dr. Niklas Wahl is group leader of the Resarch Group Radiotherapy Optimization. One part of his research is based on matRad - an open source multi-modality radiation treatment planning system which has been developed in his group.

Dr. Stefan Dorsch (Post-Doc at DKFZ)

Dr. Stefan Dorsch is a Post-Doc in the Research Group Applied Medical Radiation Physics and he works on MR-guided Particle Therapy in the ARTEMIS Project, a project about adaptive radiation therapy with ion beams, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Medical Physics at CRA

The team at Chulabhorn Royal Academy introduce the daily tasks and challenges of a Medical Physicist.

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Music of all videos by DKFZ and UC:

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