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Computer Simulation of the radiation response of hypoxic tumors

Prof. Dr. Christian Karger, Isabele Paredes Cisneros, Alexander Neuholz (DKFZ Heidleberg)

Prof. Dr. Ignacio Espinoza, Prof. Dr. Araceli Gago Arias (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago)

Within the research group Applied Medical Radiation Physics at the DKFZ, a simulation model to predict the radiation response of hypoxic tumors was initially developed. This model consists of a tumor oxygenation model (TOM) simulating the oxygen distribution within the tumor based on the capillary architecture, the vascular fraction and the intravascular oxygen tension and a tumor response model (TRM), which simulates the response of the tumor based on the results of the TOM as well as on tumor-specific and treatment parameters. These models were integrated into the Medical Image Toolkit (MITK) platform to facilitate the processing of imaging and treatment parameters. Since several years, the predictive capabilities of TOM and TRM are further investigated and developed jointly at DKFZ and PUC.

Oxygen-distribution in tumors calculated with the TOM [1] for with vascular fractions (vf) of 1%, 4% and 7% as well as the corresponding oxygen histograms. The oxygen histograms are then used as input for the TRM [2].


  1. Espinoza I., Peschke P., Karger C.P.: A model to simulate the oxygen distribution in hypoxic tumors for different vascular architectures. Medical Physics 40, 081703, 2013
  2. Espinoza I., Peschke P., Karger C.P.: A voxel-based multi-scale model to simulate the radiation response of hypoxic tumors. Medical Physics 42, 90-102, 2015
  3. Liedtke Grau I.: Computer simulation of the radiation response of a hypoxic prostate tumor in the rat using a multi-scale tumor response model. Master Thesis at the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, University of Heidelberg, 2015
  4. Gago-Arias M.A., Sánchez-Nieto B., Espinoza I., Karger C.P., Pardo-Montero J.: Impact of different biologically-adapted radiotherapy strategies on tumor control evaluated with a tumor response model. PLoS One 13, e0196310, 2018
  5. Paredes Cisneros I.: Simulation of oxygen and hypoxia PET-tracer distributions in 3D vascular architectures of tumours Master Thesis at the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, University of Heidelberg, 2018

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