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CGCoMPRO – Chilean German Consortium for Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology



The project successfully concluded in 2022 with a a final meeting and courses in December, including the scientific workshop on Emerging Techniques in Radiotherapy together with UC and support from DAAD, and a multi-topical workshop at the Clinica Alemana.

On the 9th & 10th of March 2020 the Clinica Alemana hosted an introductory workshop into the software MITK directly after our Workshop on Experimental Radiobiology on 5th & 6th at the HCLA.


During the 1st CGCoMPRO status meeting in April 2019 at HCLA we looked back on a successful first year, paved the way for expansion of CGCoMPRO to Columbia, Mexica and Argentina and defined new projects and collaborations.

The 1st CGCoMPRO matRad programming workshop was held at HCLA in November 2019.

The project was started with a successfull Kick-Off workshop at HCLA in April 2018!

The Chilean-German Consortium for Medical Physics (CGCoMPRO) aims at promoting the internationalization of research and reaching in South America, especially in Chile. It coordinates collaborative research between DKFZ and  the Heidelberg Center of Latin America (HCLA), the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC), the Clinica Alemana (CA) de Santiago, and the Universidad de la Frontera (UFRO). The aim is to facilitate the efficient exchange of research results and expertise, to develop structures in Chile for research and networking and to strengthen these structures in Latin America with a long-term perspective, taking into account universities and clinical partners.

The focus lays on the establishment and expansion of a German-Chilean research network based on IT platforms. Since 2002, when the Heidelberg University (UHD) founded the HCLA in Santiago de Chile (since 2009 funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) as a "Center of Excellence for Research and Training", collaborations with UC, CA, Universidad de Chile and other Partners in Latin America exist. The first joint summer school for medical physics took place in 2003 and since 2012, there is the Double Degree program "Clinical Medical Physics" (CMP) at UC and UHD, which is funded by the DAAD and the German Federal Foreign Office as part of the “Center of Excellence for Research and Teaching”.

With the expansion of already existing cooperation into a strong network and the bundling of research activities in Chile, research projects based on the platforms can be jointly promoted. The network offers a great opportunity for pooling competences in the field of medical physics and its expansion. Following the installation and establishment of the German research software matRad and MITK, joint research and educational projects are intended to advance this network and bundle up competences within a defined specialist area. This will give excellent young researchers from Chile the opportunity to further their scientific development and to have a close exchange of experience with German scientists. The partners in Germany benefit from the motivation and goal orientation of these scientists. The intercultural experience is also an important building block for working in an international environment. Through the stay of German scientists in Chile, the network offers the possibility of intensive cooperation with scientists from this country. Building on this, additional funding opportunities are needed in order to bring excellent scientists from Chile to German partner locations and to advance the research projects. The research network is an ideal extension of our previous joint teaching activities together with the Chilean partners.

The project, which saw its successful conclusion in 2022, culminated in a series of highly engaging and insightful activities during the month of December, including fortunate additional support received from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Our profound gratitude extends to all partners, participants, and supporting bodies who made this venture a resounding success. UC, the Clinica Alemana and DKFZ will continue to build a strong intercultural research network.


Partner Institutions



Current research projects coordinated by CGCoMPRO focus on the establishment of German research software, developed mainly at DKFZ, in Chile as a basis for collaborative research projects. This includes
  • a program for the simulation of the radiation reaction of tumors (TRM/TOM),
  • the open-source toolkit matRad for dose calculation and treatment planning for radiation therapy,
  • and the open-source image processing platform MITK (Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit)

Detailed project descriptions:


Workshop Participants more

Participans of the first status meeting in 2019 at the HCLA

Since the beginning of the CGCoMPRO project in October 2017, a regular exchange was established with official CGCoMPRO workshops.

  • The project concluded with a a final meeting and courses in December 2022, including the scientific workshop on Emerging Techniques in Radiotherapy together with UC and support from DAAD, and a multi-topical workshop at the Clinica Alemana.
  • On the 9th & 10th of March 2020 the Clinica Alemana hosted an introductory workshop into the software MITK, which took place directly after our Workshop on Experimental Radiobiology on 5th & 6th at the HCLA. In parellel the 2nd CGCoMPRO matRad programming workshop was held with participants from Germany, Chile and Colombia. A workshop at UFRO in Temuca unfortunately had to be canceled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • After a successful first year, on April 8, 2019, the 1st CGCoMPRO status meeting took place!
  • The 1st CGCoMPRO matRad programming workshop from November 26 to November 30 brought together expertise from Heidelberg, Santiago and Medellin for matRad development. See here for some Chilean-German press coverage.
  • On April 9, 2018, the CGCoMPRO Kickoff workshop was held.

Multiple workshops are planned for March 2020, including an introductory MITK workshop at Clinica Alemana, a workshop on experimental radiobiology and the 2nd matRad programming workshop!

Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (FMER)



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