Our interdisciplinary team consists of people from different backgrounds and strives to combine key techniques from physics, biochemistry and molecular biology to develop the next generation of highly sensitive imaging reporters.
Prof. Dr. Leif Schröder
Abteilungsleitung Translationale Molekulare Bildgebung
Sandra Casula
Administrative Assistant for Divisions E041, E270 and E280
Dr. Jabadurai Jayapaul
Postdok (Chemie)
Dr. Alexandra Lipka
Research scientist
Dr. Patrick Werner
Postdok (Biologie)
Viktoria Bayer
Doktorandin (Physik)
Hannah Gerbeth
David Hernandez Solarte
Doktorand Graduiertenkolleg BIOQIC
Samuel Lehr
Doktorand (Physik)
Clark Bray
Austauschstudent der University of Connecticut
Luca Kempny
Chun Yat Lee
Sophia Seufert
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