Prof. Dr. Leif Schröder
Abteilungsleitung Translationale Molekulare Bildgebung
Short biography
Leif Schröder studied physics and chemistry in Göttingen and Heidelberg, where he graduated as a physicist in 2001 with a degree in quantum mechanical investigations of in vivo NMR spectroscopy at the DKFZ and received his doctorate in 2003 from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. He remained at the DKFZ until 2005, when he moved to the University of California at Berkeley with an Emmy Noether Fellowship from the German Research Foundation. During his four-year stay in Berkeley, Leif Schröder worked on novel MR imaging techniques based on hyperpolarized xenon biosensors.
In July 2009, he returned to Germany with an Emmy Noether Fellowship from the German Research Foundation. He initially led the ERC Starting Grant Project BiosensorImaging in Berlin from 2009-2015 and subsequently a Koselleck project on multivalent xenon MRI reporters. Since 2020, he has been building up the Department of Translational Molecular Imaging at the DKFZ with the support of the Dieter Morszeck Foundation.
His work has been awarded the Philips Research Prize for Medical Physics, the Young Investigator Award of the International Union for Pure and Applied Physics and the Dr. Emil Salzer Prize for Cancer Research, among others.
Leif Schröder is a founding member of the Young Academy of Europe and a member of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, the German Physical Society and the Society of German Chemists.
ORCID profile: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4901-0325
Selected funding:
- Project leader within the DFG-funded graduate school BIOQIC: Biophysical Quantitative Imaging Towards Clinical Diagnosis (funding code GRK 2260/1, since 2017)
- Koselleck funding from the DFG (funding reference SCHR 995/5-1; since 2017, first Koselleck project of the Leibniz Association)
- Research Grant from the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research (project 12549; )
- Program Grant of the Human Frontiers Science Program (HFSP) together with Prof. M. Shapiro, California Institute of Technology (Project RGP0050/2016; 2016-2020)
- SAW funding of the Leibniz Association (WGL) together with Prof. C. Freund, FMP and FU Berlin (2014-2017)
- Starting Grant of the European Research Council (ERC; first ERC grant of the Leibniz Association) (2009-2014)
- Emmy Noether grant from the DFG (2009)
- Emmy Noether Fellowship from the DFG for a research project with Prof. David Wemmer and Prof. Alexander Pines, University of California, Berkeley (2005-2007)
- Feodor Lynen Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) for a project in collaboration with Humboldt Prize winner Prof. Alexander Pines, University of California, Berkeley (2005)