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Donor gallery archive

Here you can find all articles about former fundraising campaigns. The German Cancer Research Center would like to express its gratitude to all donors and contributors. Thank you for supporting cancer research!


Donation by Otto Müller GmbH

December 2016
© Otto Müller GmbH

In 2016 Otto Müller GmbH once again chose "Donations Instead of Gifts" as their Christmas motto. Thanks to this impressive commitment, the INFORM registry study was very pleased to receive over 5,000 EUR. The study looks at innovative treatment concepts for children with cancer.
The German Cancer Research Center offers its thanks to the family enterprise in Bammental for their very generous support of paediatric oncology.

The Edeltraut Blickle-Foundation supports cancer research

December 2016
© Dagmar Anders / DKFZ

Edeltraut Blickle, an entrepreneur who died in 1992, has allocated a substantial sum of her fortune in the service of health promotion. Shortly before her death she set up a foundation to use her revenues to support general nursing care, as well as medical research institutes. The Edeltraut Blickle-Foundation has donated 40,000 EUR to the German Cancer Research Center this year. The executive board and colleagues offer their heartfelt thanks for this generous contribution.

Baking cookies for a good cause

December 2016
© private

Just like last year Doris Pütz baked Christmas cookies for a good cause. Friends and colleagues could purchase the cookies packed in little boxes, deciding for themselves what amount they would like to contribute. One colleague created a delicious Praline that was added to the box. A total sum of 600 EUR was put together within the framework of the fundraising campaign. The German Cancer Research Center expresses its heartfelt thanks to all of the people who donated and came up with such a wonderful idea in support of cancer research.

Renewed donation for Pediatric Oncology from Sulzfeld

December 2016
© Jutta Jung / DKFZ

On this occasion, Paul also brought his sister with him. Together with their parents Jenny and Marcel they presented a donation in support of the clinical cooperation unit Pediatric Oncology. The donation was the result of the renewed commitment in support of further research in cancer diseases in children of many people living in Sulzbach. Dr. Till Milde, Senior Physician at the center for Youth Medicine and Pediatrics, and scientist at the German Cancer Research Center accepted the donation offering his heartfelt thanks to all those who participated.

A generous donation instead of customer gifts

November 2016
© mdex

As every year, the question has been asked at mdx AG, to what extent Christmas gifts should be sent to customers. On this occasion Dennis Paul, head of m2m communication, seized the initiative. He suggested a donation to benefit cancer research instead, to "achieve something really useful". The company, located in Hamburg, subsequently transferred 3,000 EUR to the German Cancer Research Center. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks for the initiative and the generous donation.
In the photo we see Dennis Paul who created this campaign.

Student collects donations with her final Paper

November 2016
© private

Janina Kummerfeldt had a particularly creative idea. She was confronted with the challenge to win over participants for an inquiry within the framework of her final paper on the unusual topic: “Hygiene standards and consumer research”. In order to get as many participants as possible, she promised that every filled out questionnaire would contribute 10 cents to the German Cancer Research Center. She provided the link to the questionnaire on Facebook – with great success. In just six hours over one thousand people participated! At that point, some citizens of her hometown Stelle took the opportunity to collect money for cancer research extending Janina’s project. The money collected will go to benefit child brain tumor research.
Many thanks for the wonderful idea in support of our work!

Birthday benefit concert

September 2016
© private

Upon the occasion of her 18th birthday Michaela Meurer organized the event "Donate & Celebrate According to Plan". The party, a “Cologne Evening” with different live bands, drinks, snacks, etc, took place in the middle of September at the Heidkamp Cultural Center. To join the celebration, the guests could purchase tickets in advance or at the door. All the proceeds of the evening went to benefit cancer research. Altogether 1,129.30 EUR were raised and generously donated to the German Cancer Research Center. The guests were so enthusiastic, that they talked Frau Meurer into repeating her donation campaign next year. Our many thanks to the organizers, their guests, sponsors, musicians and all those who donated, for their commitment in support of cancer research.

Bicycling for a good cause
Tom Milla fundraising campaign Cancer Research

August 2016
© private

Bicycling from England to Germany: Brothers Russell and Phil took on the entire 800 km. One reason was also four-year-old Milla who was diagnosed with a brain tumor a year before. To support Milla and her family the two undertook a weeklong bicycle journey. During their tour they collected donations for cancer research. The German Cancer Research Center expresses its heartfelt thanks for this impressive dedication! The money will go to benefit child brain tumor research.

The two bicyclists can be seen in the adjacent photo. The bear in the middle was their “traveling companion” and a gift for Milla from England.

Donation from EMBL to DKFZ
fundraising campaign Cancer Research

July 2016
© Nicole Schuster / DKFZ

A very generous check was presented by: (from left) Rachel Mellwig, Sean Nightingale and Catherine Floyd from the EMBL staff association. Senior physician Dr. Till Milde from the Clinical Cooperation Unit Pediatric Oncology accepted the proceeds from this year’s raffle. The money will be used for further childhood brain tumor research. Our heartfelt thanks go out to the colleagues from EMBL!

Generous donation from the Cancer Research Foundation Europe

July 2016
© Tobias Schwerdt / DKFZ

The European Cancer Research Foundation has been generously supporting the work of DKFZ for many years. In June of 2016 Claus-Werner Kilgus (2. to the right) delivered once again a generous donation, on this occasion for the improvement of prostate therapy. Prof. Heinz-Peter Schlemmer (2. from left) as well as Prof. Michael Boutros (1. to the left) and Prof. Josef Puchta extend their special thanks.

DKFZ charity run „Heidelberg runs for Cancer Research" 2016

May 2016
© Uwe Anspach / DKFZ

On Sunday, May 29, the German Cancer Research Center organized the charity run "Heidelberg Runs for Cancer Research” for the sixth time. In radiant sunshine about 600 walkers and runners completed a stretch along the Neckar and through Heidelberg’s Hauptstraße. Like every year the entry fee goes to the benefit of cancer research. We want to thank all of the participants and helpers for their efforts!

FRIMO collects for cancer research
FRIMO Sontra fundraising campaign Cancer Research

March 2016

Once again this year FRIMO Sontra GmbH held the traditional raffle with their employees, demonstrating proof of their social engagement. FRIMO employees could buy raffle tickets and win prizes. Nobody drew blanks – every ticket offered a smaller or larger prize from a wide range of the company’s products. Over 1,230 EUR were raised and presented to the German Cancer Research Center by manager Bernd Risse, along with Uwe Schulze, chairman of the works council.

Another dnation campaign to benefit cancer research
Bauhaus fundraising campaign Cancer Research

February 2016
© Nicole Schuster / DKFZ

The do-it-yourself store Bauhaus, located in Heidelberg's Bahnstadt, celebrated its 5th birthday. Upon this occasion it held a raffle to benefit cancer research.  Customers could buy tickets and win prizes. There were no blanks – every ticket came with a small or larger prize from a wide range of products from this store. Over 1,500 EUR were raised through ticket sales. Deputy general manager Niko Kösling presented the check. Prof. Josef Puchta offered his heartfelt thanks for the donation campaign.


Donation from the city of Sulzfeld for Paediatric Oncology

December 2015
© Nicole Schuster / DKFZ

Paul and "Wauwau" presented a generous donation, pooled together from the entire community of Sulzfeld. The money goes to the Clinical Cooperation Unit Pediatric Oncology, headed by Dr. Olaf Witt (right). Paul appeared together with his parents Jenny and Marcel to personally present the donation. On behalf of the German Cancer Research Center Prof. Witt offered his gratitude to everyone for their contribution.

Instead of customer gifts – a donation to cancer research

November 2015
© PVS Südwest GmbH

We are very pleased with the latest donation from the Private Medical Invoicing Offices Südwest (PVS) GmbH, Mannheim. As early as 2013 they have sent donations to the German Cancer Research Center instead of offering gifts to customers. This year is no different. The Mannheim office has once again offered a support donation of 2,000 EUR. Many thanks to PVS Südwest for its generous donation. (Photo: Managing director Peter Gabriel)

Donation from the „Association For Children With Cancer. Odenwald e.V.“ to the German Cancer Research Center

September 2015
© Philipp Rothe / DKFZ

The executive board of the Odenwald "Association For Children With Cancer" presented an impressive contribution of 50,000 EUR to the German Cancer Research Center. With its donation the association supports Professor Olaf Witt's research on medulloblastoma, the most frequent cause of brain tumors in children. Olaf Witt heads the Clinical Cooperation Unit Pediatric Oncology, and works as a pediatrician at the center for children and adolescents at the University Clinic in Heidelberg. He researches new forms of treatment strategies against cancer diseases in children.
In the photo you can see (from left to right): Andre Lenz, treasurer; Volker Scheuermann, chairman; Prof. Dr. Olaf Witt; Jacqueline Wörner, chairman; Alexa Schwinn, secretary.

Generous donation to the German Cancer Research Center

August 2015
© Nicole Schuster / DKFZ

Kurt Lehmann was successfully treated in Heidelberg. Following his recovery he visited together with his wife Renate the German Cancer Research Center. The couple from Ettlingen presented a generous donation. The German Cancer Research Center was involved in diagnosing the case.

Donation campaign of the Strothoff International School

July 2015
© private

Finding out that their teacher was diagnosed with cancer, the students at Strothoff International School in Dreieich started to develop a deeper interest in the matter. In numerous activities and campaigns from cake sales and musical performances to hair dying, donations were gathered throughout the school year. This resulted in the significant contribution of over 4,200 EUR, that was donated to the German Cancer Research Center. We want to thank all of those involved and particularly the students themselves for their effort and commitment!
The photo shows the presentation of the check at the school party before summer vacation.

Donation for INFORM – A second chance for children with cancer

July 2015
© Yan de Andres / DKFZ

The former Bergstraße wine queen, Franziska Mohr, and deacon Andreas Debus presented a donation for the INFORM study "A second chance for children with cancer" to Prof. Stefan Pfister (left). Donations were gathered as part of an outdoor service that was held at the Mohr vineyard Pauluslage in Bensheim. People were invited to the service, independent of their religious denomination, mindset and lifestyle. The participants, ranging in age between five and eighty years, wanted their donations to be given exclusively to Paediatric Oncology.

Department Life Science Research at VDGH supports cancer research

June 2015
© private

With a donation of 1,990 EUR the department Life Science Research within the Diagnostica-Industry-Association (VDGH) supports the work of German Cancer Research. Life Science Research (LSR) at VDGH unites 30 member companies under one umbrella and together they represent approximately 50 percent of the Life-Science Industries in Germany. LSR Industries support their member companies in questions related to customer service, market research, youth development promotion and public relations activities. LSR Industries develops custom designed products for research purposes, including fundamental- and cancer research.

DKFZ charity run „Heidelberg Runs for Cancer Research“ 2015

May 2015
© Yan de Andres / DKFZ

On Sunday, May 17, 2015 the German Cancer Research Center invited everyone to its fifth charity run "Heidelberg Runs for Cancer Research". Close to 600 participants ran or walked either the 4,5 or the 6,5 km stretch along the Neckar and through Heidelberg's Hauptstraße. Once again the entry fee went to support cancer research.

Our many thanks to all the participants, runners and walkers and the numerous helpers for their engagement!

Bauhaus trainees collect donations for cancer research

February 2015

Cancer concerns everyone. This thought gave the Bauhaus trainees in Heidelberg-Bahnstadt an idea: At their Christmas party they asked for donations and collected 380 euro for the German Cancer Research Center. In order to round off the sum, the employer added a little extra, bringing the total donation to 500 EUR. The check was presented to the German Cancer Research Center by the two initiators of the action in the beginning of February.

The photo shows Ferhat Türk and Aleksander Bartmann, the two trainees, along with general manager and representative Niko Kösling (left) presenting the check to the administrative-commercial director Prof. Josef Puchta. The German Cancer Research Center extends its thanks to the Bauhaus trainees‘ initiative.

„A second chance“ – Benefit concert for children with cancer

January 2015
© private

On January 24 the SRH Big Band invited to their annual New Year’s concert in Heidelberg's city library. Traditionally the concert is held for a good cause. This year, they decided in favor of the INFORM-project that tries to give children with cancer a second chance for a cure. We are very pleased by the commitment of the SRH Big Band and offer our thanks for their 650 EUR donation.


Anniversary donation – 50 Years DKFZ

October 2014
© Tobias Schwerdt / DKFZ

As a part of the 50-year anniversary ceremony of the German Cancer Research Center, Albrecht Hornbach presented a 50,000 EUR donation on behalf of the Hornbach Holding. The money will flow into the INFORM-project that wants to give children with cancer a second chance for a cure. One of the coordinators of these projects is Prof. Stefan Pfister, a scientist at the German Cancer Research Center and a pediatrician at the University Hospital in Heidelberg.
The photo shows Albrecht Hornbach (middle), Prof. Stefan Pfister (to the left) and Prof. Otmar D. Wiestler, board chairman and chief Scientific Officer at the German Cancer Research Center (to the right). Our heartfelt thanks for the generous donation!

Lady’s Voice 2014

October 2014
© private

The third fund raising campaign of the band "Lady's Voice" was a complete success again, raising approximately 2,000 EUR for the German Cancer Research Center. Meanwhile it's been three years since the ten singers from the band have been calling for donations during their concerts and other activities in and around Karlsruhe, successfully raising money for cancer research. Two songs were composed on behalf of this campaign: "Give us your Voice" and "EnAmoria".
We want to thank all of the musicians that participated for their commitment, and, of course, everyone who made a donation.

Make music for cancer research

September 2014
© Tobias Schwerdt / DKFZ

The German Cancer Research Center held an rare charity concert in Heidelberg's City Hall.
On Sept 28, Prof. Stefan Pfister and Prof. Stefaan Van Gool, two cancer researchers and pediatricians, grabbed hold of their Saxophone and Violin to gather donations for their research to give children with cancer who have suffered a relapse a second chance. The concert took place within the context of the German Cancer Research Center’s 50-year anniversary. Pfister has been playing Saxophone as a member of the Tübinger Saxophone Ensemble for many years now, as well as having toured Australia and the U.S. Stefaan Van Gool, researcher and pediatrician, has been giving concerts with his family for many years.
Our heartfelt thanks to the audience and the donors, as well as to the musicians, of course!

“Climbers Against Cancer” donate to the German Cancer Research Center

August 2014
© private

The German Cancer Research Center wishes to thank "Climbers Against Cancer" for their generous donation. John Ellison himself is a cancer patient and passionate sports climber. Climbers Against Cancer (CAC) was founded on his initiative. In front of 6000 spectators at the Boulder World Championship in Munich he presented a hefty check of 13,300 EUR. The sum went to benefit cancer research in Heidelberg.

The picture shows (from left to right): CAC-founder John Ellison, Monika Retschy (sports climber and German boulder master 2013), Reinhard Liebers (DKFZ), and IFSC vice-president Helmut Knabl.

Kicking the ball for a good cause

July 2014

An exceptional football game took place on Pentecost Sunday at the SV Weisenheim am Sand sports grounds.
Andreas Stoebner, a former member of the team, brought together numerous players for a benefit football game. All of the proceeds on that day, including the salary of the band that played at the end of the game, were donated to cancer research. Altogether 2,025 EUR was raised. This was made possible only through the aid of numerous participants including the restaurant "Ionio" in Weisenheim am Sand and the group "Le Petit Jardin". Our thanks go out to Andreas Stoebner and all of the other people who made donations!

4th charity run "Heidelberg runs for Cancer Research”

May 2014
© Yan de Andres / DKFZ

On Sunday May 25, 2014, a bright sunny day, the German Cancer Research Center held its fourth annual charity race "Heidelberg runs for Cancer Research". To participate and have fun was the basic idea – and after all: exercise keeps you fit. About 450 participants joined in and completed the stretch along the Neckar and down Heidelberg's Hauptstraße. We'd like to thank all the participants for their great effort. The entry fee and all donations once again went to the benefit of cancer research.


Support for cancer research instead of customer gifts

December 2013
© private

The technology company 4D Concepts also made the decision to contribute donations for cancer research instead of giving customers Christmas presents. We extend our heartfelt thanks for their contribution of 600 EUR for the benefit of cancer research.

Presented here are the employees of the company in Groß Gerau that develops a range of products including products in the medical technology sector.

A very special Christmas gift – The Hans Hess Automotive Parts Company donates to DKFZ

December 2013
© private

The Hans Hess Automotive Parts Company GmbH in Cologne presented 10,000 EUR to the research group “neuroblastoma genomics” at the end of the year, instead of giving presents to customers. The money will be used to support the team of Dr. Frank Westermann. His focus of research is, what is called neuroblastoma, the most common solid type of tumor found in children’s and adolescent’s cancer. We are deeply grateful for the support and generous donation!

The photo shows the company’s chief executives: Dr. Ralf Kampker, Hans Otto Hess and Philipp Hess.

Donations instead of gifts – PVS Südwest sets a good example

November 2013
© PVS Südwest GmbH

Instead of offering the usual Christmas gifts to their clients, the private medical clearing center Südwest GmbH decided to support cancer research. The sum of 2,000 EUR was donated to the German Cancer Research Center. We are extremely pleased by the trust PVS has shown in our work. In the photo you see Peter Gabriel, one of the general managers of the company based in Mannheim.

Lady's Voice 2013

October 2013

For the second time now, the Lady's Voice singers have called for donations for a good cause. With their new song "EnAmoria" donated by their fellow musician Andi Deris for their campaign, they raised over 28,000 EUR. The money will be divided between the children's hospice service in Karlsruhe, and, as was the case the previous year, the German Cancer Research Center. Danny Konz and Frank Olbrich came to Heidelberg to personally present a check to Prof. Otmar D. Wiestler for 9,563.83 EUR. The chief executive of the German Cancer Research Center, on behalf of all employees, extended his heartfelt thanks for the tremendous dedication of the numerous musicians that participated in the fund raising campaign.

German Leukemia Research Support Association Pfalz e.V.

September 2013

For many years now Prof. Olaf Witt and his team have been contributing generous donations to the German Leukemia Research Support Pfalz.e.V. The majority of the association members, promoting the research activities related to malignant tumors in the nervous systems of infants and adolescents, are parents of children affected with this disease.  
Prof. Josef Puchta, administrative commercial chairman of the German Cancer Research Center, and Prof. Olaf Witt, deputy chief of the Clinical Cooperation Unit Pediatric Oncology, welcomed the association members at DKFZ and offered their gratitude to all of those who participated in the substantial donation. From left: Elvi Nowack (Board Member), Prof. Olaf Witt, Ina Wegner (DLFH member), Prof. Josef Puchta, Jürgen Bömer (1. Chairman), Heidi Böhmer (Treasurer). Dragan Somborac (2. Chairman)

Campaign by the Breast Cancer Awareness Association

July 2013

The German Cancer Research Centers Cancer Information Hotline (KID) is very pleased by the generous donation of 12,006 EUR from the campaign by the "Breast Cancer Awareness Association." The money was acquired from the association’s residual assets after 17 years of service. Dr. Dieter Alt, general manager of the non-profit association, presented the check last Friday to Dr. Susanne Weg-Remers. Director of KID and Professor Josef Puchta, administrative commercial director at DKFZ.

The beard comes off

June 2013
© private

Curiosity ran high among the regulars at Jameson Distillery Pubs in Köln: How would Craig Fyfe the Barkeeper look without his magnificent facial hairs?
For a donation of 1,000 EUR for the German Cancer Research Center Craig Fyfe was prepared to disclose the secret. Finally a contribution of 3,210.69 EUR was raised. And – as if it were not enough, the donations continued so that all together 3,400 EUR was raised for cancer research. Our heartfelt thanks to all supporters and donators! And special thanks to Craig Fyfe for his courage to strip his face bare!


Sasha Vujinovic Career- and Cash Management

November 2012

Sasha Vujinovic, Founder and Owner of the Sasha Vujinovic Career- and Cash Management presented a donation check. Instead of holding an opening celebration of the founding of his company he decided he'd rather donate the money to cancer research.
During Mister Vujinovic's visit to DKFZ Prof. Josef Puchta, administrative commercial director, offered his heartfelt thanks. For the founding of the young economist’s new business, he wished him all the best and much success.

Pastor and confirmation candidates of the protestant church congregation Langsdorf and Bettenhausen

October 2012

Pastor Hans Peter Gieß and confirmation candidates of the Evangelical Church Congregation Langsdorf and Bettenhausen presented a check to the
paediatric oncology department. Professor Olaf Witt offered his heartfelt thanks for their donation and provided the young guests with cancer prevention information.

Sängerkranz Schöllenbach

July 2012

Jutta Ihrig, chairman of the “Sängerkranz Schöllenbach”, a group of vocalists, presented a check to the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg. Accompanying her on her visit was her father, the honorary chairman Georg Herbert Ihrig. Commemorating the one hundred year anniversary of the choir in May 2012, they decided they would rather give a donation to cancer research instead of presenting gifts to the guests.

Lady's Voice

July 2012

Danny Konz and Frank Obrich presented a check contributed from the campaign "Lady's Voice – our voice against cancer". The donation accumulated through the campaign initiated by Danny Konz. She called on singers in the Karlsuhe, Pforzheim, Baden-Baden and Bühl region, to record with her the song "Give Us Your Voice", that she placed in the Internet with a call for donations.  Ten singers altogether also sang in pedestrian zones to gather contributions in their communities. The final sum reached 12,000 euro. Half of the money went to the Initiative For Children With Cancer "Stelzenmännchen" in Karlsruhe and to the German Cancer Research Center.  Danny Konz is a voice coach and lead singer of Danny and the Boys. She wrote the song together with Frank Olbrich, her guitarist (and husband). More information:

Kaiserdom High School in Speyer

June 2012

The students of the Kaiserdom high school in Speyer gathered a donation at their school-party. At the presentation of the check from left to right: Fritz Burkhardt, assistant principal; Elisabeth Hohensee; Melanie Kunz, teacher; Christiane Brodersen, teacher and mastermind of the donation idea, as well as organizer of the school party; Oliver Hauck, teacher and organizer of the exhibit "Cancer" at the school party.


June 2012

Following the death of Monika Olkus from Tauberrettersheim, her family, friends and acquaintances contributed a donation to cancer research. Instead of flowers and wreaths the money should be used for cancer research. In Heidelberg, her family presented a check to the German Cancer Research Center. Elisabeth Hohensee offered her heartfelt thanks in the name of the chairman of the Cancer Research Center and all the colleagues for the generous donation.

Claus-Werner Kilgus on behalf of the Cancer Research Foundation Europe

April 2012

Once again Claus-Werner Kilgus who presides over the board of trustees of the Cancer Research Foundation Europe, presented a check to cancer research. The donation of 10,000 EUR goes to the junior research group in immunotherapy and prevention, led by Dr. Angelika Riemer. The Cancer Research Foundation Europe has supported the work of junior research groups in the area of immunotherapy at DKFZ several times in the past.

Reit- und Fahrverein Heppenheim e.V.
Einen Scheck vom Reit- und Fahrverein Heppenheim e.V. über 1.200 EUR überreichte dessen 1. Vorsitzende Andrea Pfeilsticker im Rahmen des Jahresempfangs 2012. Prof. Josef Puchta bedankte sich bei ihr und Arne Pfeilsticker für die langjährige großzügige Unterstützung durch den Verein.

January 2012

A donation of 1,200 EUR from the Reit- und Fahrverein Heppenheim e.V, was presented by chairwoman Andrea Pfeilsticker, on the occasion of the annual reception 2012. Prof. Josef Puchta offers his thanks to her and Arne Pfeilsticker for their foundation's generous support over the years.

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