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Most frequently asked questions about donations

You are considering a donation to the German Cancer Research Center or you have already made that decision. Perhaps you are also considering to include the German Cancer Research Center in your will or to designate it as the heir to your estate. However, you still don't know how to donate or practically implement the instructions in your will. With the following guidelines we would like to provide you with answers to questions that we frequently receive.

Sparkasse Heidelberg
IBAN: DE98672500200005000050

You can also send your donation for cancer research directly by using the online donation form.
Please fill out your bank transfer writing your full name and address clearly legible. After we have received your donation we will send you a donation receipt by mail.
Please contact us, if you have inadvertently not given your address or wish to have a donation receipt. Please also let us know, if you have not received a conformation for your donation after more than six weeks.
If you have decided on regular online-donations for cancer research (monthly or quarterly) we will automatically send you a confirmation for the sum of all your donations once a year. You will be sent the confirmation at the beginning of the following year (in March at the latest). Please contact us, if that is not acceptable to you.
Enter your preferred field of research on your bank transfer under "purpose". If you are uncertain which area of research you would like your donation to support, we would be pleased to advise you on the various options open to you.
Please provide anyone interested with a keyword, denoting their donation to the German Cancer Research Center (for example "70th birthday Grete Meier" or "bereavement Heinz Müller") and ask them to enter the keyword on their bank transfer under "purpose". If your guests wish to have a donation receipt please urge them to write their full name and address clearly legible on their bank transfer.
After the conclusion of the donation period (approx. six weeks later) we will send you a list of the individual contributors under your keyword. We will also provide you with the total sum. For reasons of data protection we are unable to provide the exact amount of each individual contributor.
Yes, everyone can receive a donation receipt for their contribution. Please send us a list of your donors. The list must include the amount of the individual donation, the date of payment as well as the name and address of the respective donor.
There are various possibilities if you wish to include the German Cancer Research Center in your will. You can designate the Cancer Research Center as the beneficiary, or, if others are designated as heirs in your testament, they can make a bequest on the German Cancer Research Center. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you are considering such a step and are uncertain how to carry it out.
We will be happy to provide more detailed information concerning the research projects you have contributed to. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
We will be happy to send you our information brochure, as well as our latest issue of "einblick", the German Cancer Research Center magazine (in German). At your request we will send you a free subscription of "einblick" on a regular basis.

There is also the possibility to subscribe to our e-mail-newsletter "Swing into Action for Cancer Research" (in German). Please click here for newsletter registration.
We are committed to direct all donations and contributions immediately and exclusively toward our research. 90 percent of our basic support, which also covers our infrastructure, is federally financed, while the remaining 10 percent is contributed by the state of Baden-Württemberg. Every additional cent of your contribution therefore goes directly and without deductions toward our research.


Elisabeth Hohensee

Office of Development
Phone: + 49 6221 42-2848



You can download the most frequently asked questions about donations (PDF document): FAQ Donations DKFZ

Of course you can also contact us directly if you have any questions about donations for cancer research.

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