Deutsche Konferenz für Tabakkontrolle

The German Conference on Tobacco Control (Deutsche Konferenz für Tabakkontrolle) is held annually at the German Cancer Research Center and is organised by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Tobacco Control in collaboration with the German Nonsmokers' Association (Aktionsbündnis Nichtrauchen).

It serves to exchange experiences on successful measures to reduce tobacco consumption in Germany, to promote and develop future projects and concepts and to present networks and coalitions for smoke-free businesses, institutions and action groups.

Furthermore, country-specific actions are to be combined with local actions. To this end, successful models at local and national level will be presented. National and international experiences from the implementation of smoke-free legislation will be presented and the marketing strategies of the tobacco industry will be highlighted.

Deutsche Konferenz für Tabakkontrolle Archive (as of 2018)


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