Our team
Our highly interdisciplinary division consists of scientists, technical and documentary assistants as well as students who have received their training in the fields of biology, physics, medicine, bioinformatics and computer science. Experienced scientists work side by side with PhD/MD students and undergraduates to advance our research within the group and in global collaborations.

Head of Department
Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h. c. Michael Baumann
Head of Department
Dr. Ina Kurth
Division Head
Silke Cardona
Senior Scientists and PostDocs
Dr. Maria José Besso
Biotechnologist, Hypoxia and Radioresponsiveness in HNSCC
Dr. Verena Bitto
Computational Scientist
Dr. Olga Ximena Giraldo Pasmin
Ontology Engineer
Dr. Wahyu Wijaya Hadiwikarta
Head of Knowledge Modelling & RadPlanBio
Priv. Doz. Dr. Jochen Heß
Clinical Cooperationpartner for Experimental and Translational Head- and Neck-Oncology
Dr. Mareike Roscher
Head of Morszeck PCTU
PhD and MD students
Cristina Conde Lopez
Sex differences in cancer
Safayat Mahmud Khan
HPV, Radiosensitivity and Tumor Heterogeneity
Carla Popp
AXL and Radiosensitivity
Julian Schlecker
Survival Models
Technical Assistance
Mahnaz Bonrouhi
Biological-technical Assistant
Manuela Dittrich
Rosemarie Euler-Lange
Thomas Früchtel
Medical Documentation
Joana Schlag
Medical Documentation Assistance
Büsranur Yilmaz
Medical Documentation Assistance