Examination procedure

After you have registered at the patient registration desk in the main building of the DKFZ or the registration desk at the NCT, you will be accompanied to your examination by our friendly staff.

1 First of all, our radiologists will provide you with comprehensive information. You will have the opportunity to ask any unanswered questions, the information sheet provided to you will be discussed and, if necessary, we will place an indwelling venous line. This takes place in a room specially equipped for this purpose. 
2 You will then be positioned in the MRI or CT scanner (shown here using the Siemens 3 Tesla scanner as an example). An examination protocol tailored to your needs is drawn up by the doctor and technical staff.
3. The workstation of the MTAs (medical technical assistants) is very modern; the patient is always in view thanks to direct camera transmission, breathing commands can be given via an intercom system and contact with the patient is possible at any time.
4. Once the examination has been completed and the images reconstructed, our radiologists carry out a thorough diagnosis. All findings are proofread by a senior physician and assessed and approved according to the so-called "four-eyes principle" in order to ensure a high quality of findings.


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