Primary Cancer Prevention

  • Cancer Risk Factors and Prevention
Foto of Prof. Ute Mons

Prof. Dr. Ute Mons

Our mission is to develop new strategies to reduce cancer risk factors in the population, optimize their implementation and evaluate their effectiveness.

Word cloud with the terms Primary Cancer Prevention,Primary, Cancer, Prevention, Public Health, Epidemiology, Health, Implementation, Lifestyle, Tobacco Control, Simulation, Policies, Oncology, Strategies, Evaluation, Study, Screening, Modeling, Risk, Approaches, Population, Impact, Incidence, Specificity, Equity, Smoking, Sensitivity, Mortality, Cohort, Population, Health System, Targeted, Obesity, Alcohol, Exercise, Family History, Efficacy, Risk-adapted, Setting and Environment

Our Research

Our interdisciplinary team is particularly dedicated to the development and evaluation of innovative strategies to reduce cancer risk factors in the population. Our research is embedded in the National Cancer Prevention Center. In our work, we focus on three central approaches:

Population-based approaches: Here we investigate how population-based interventions, such as policy measures or health campaigns, influence the behavior of individuals and impact public health. We use simulation models to evaluate the preventive potential of population-based interventions in relation to cancer risk factors such as tobacco and alcohol consumption.

Targeted approaches: We develop and test innovative concepts that are tailored to specific target groups or settings. We also aim to better integrate prevention services into the healthcare system, for example through low-threshold behavioral support.

Personalized approaches: Our research aims to precisely identify individual risk profiles and develop risk-adapted or personalized prevention strategies. Such approaches can be offered in cooperation with the prevention outpatient clinic of the National Cancer Prevention Center, to reduce the individual risk of cancer.

With a strong focus on the actual implementation of measures, we aim to bring scientific findings into practice faster. Our goal is to establish effective, evidence-based prevention strategies that sustainably prevent cancer and promote population health. Our research combines scientific excellence with practical and political relevance to generate research data and evidence that can serve as a basis for political decision-making.

Our Studies

Logo of the PEARL-study

The PEARL project is a large collaborative project that specifically investigates the risk factors of colorectal cancer in the under-50 age group and uses the findings to develop new and effective strategies to better prevent colorectal cancer in young people in the future. Members of the division Primary Cancer Prevention are in particular working on two sub-projects that aim to integrate results from multidisciplinary epidemiological studies for the development of new primary and secondary prevention strategies for early-onset colorectal cancer, as well as to collect and utilize population-based data and biobanks of colorectal cancer patients below age 50.

Further information on the study:

Our Team

Our multidisciplinary team conducts population-based prevention studies with the aim of applying evidence-based and innovative research approaches to detect cancer and its precursors earlier and prevent them through targeted and personalized offers to the population.

Foto of the team of the division Primary Cancer Prevention
  • Foto of Prof. Ute Mons

    Prof. Dr. Ute Mons

  • Employee image

    Angelika Bergmann

  • Employee image

    Konrad Bode

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    Birgit Ruth Brandstetter

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    Dr. Ulrike Bussas

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    Markus Eckstein

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    Dr. Mahdi Fallah

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    Yuqing Hu

  • Employee image

    Susanne Jakob

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    Ursula Klos

  • Employee image

    Ronja Lang

  • Employee image

    Jiaye Liu

  • Employee image

    Zauraiz Bin Azwer Lone

  • Employee image

    Louisa Schön

  • Employee image

    Dr. Petra Schrotz-King

  • Employee image

    Lydia Steiner

  • Employee image

    Ava Ryan Turzanski Fortner

  • Employee image

    Janine Wieser

Working Groups

Selected Publications

2024 - European Journal of Cancer 209, 114255
2024 - JAMA Oncology 10(7), 866-873
2021 - Nature Communications 12(1), 4811

Get in touch with us

Employee image
Angelika Bergmann
Secretary's office

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