Donor gallery

Every year, we receive numerous generous donations - each with a unique and impressive story. Find out more about our donors, sponsors and the stories behind them.


Donations instead of gifts: Supporting cancer research with a company donation

Geschäftsführer Roland Modschiedler mit DKFZ-Spendenzertifikat steht vor zwei LKW.
Geschäftsführer Roland Modschiedler mit DKFZ-Spendenzertifikat

Modschiedler GmbH, a family-run company with a long tradition in transport and warehouse logistics based in Bobenheim-Roxheim, is supporting the DKFZ with 2,000 euros. This year, instead of giving Christmas presents to customers, the company decided to raise awareness of cancer and DKFZ research. Thank you very much for this!

Most team members have someone in their circle of relatives and friends who has cancer or has even died from cancer. The awareness that cancer can affect anyone has motivated the team to support further research into cancer.

With the donation, they want to give hope to people diagnosed with cancer, as well as their families and friends. As a company, they know how important the idea of progress can be. They therefore hope that their donation will also enable them to further promote research progress, e.g. in the form of a wide range of treatment options and individual therapies.

Supporting cancer research at the DKFZ as a start-up

Das Bild zeigt die beiden Gründer Volker Deppe und Ankur Belbase, die frontal in die Kamera blicken. Zwischen den beiden ist ein rundes Logo mit dem Buchstaben "G" in der Mitte, umgeben von dem Schriftzug "Gadgetlend" und "Make Memories", vor einem violetten Hintergrund platziert.
Das Gründerduo Volker Deppe und Ankur Belbase

The young company Gadgetlend, which offers the rental of tech products via an e-commerce platform for greater sustainability, has decided to support the DKFZ's cancer research with regular donations. They kicked things off this year with a donation of 200 euros.

The two founders, Volker Deppe and Ankur Belbase, want to help ensure that even advanced cancers can be treated more effectively in future and that improved early detection methods can be developed. In their role as entrepreneurs, they also want to draw attention to the fact that cancer can affect everyone and that screening can protect against cancer.

We would like to thank Gadgetlend for their support and their great interest in our research work.

Together for a good cause: the Golden Ring Project 2024

Eine große Gruppe von Menschen, darunter Erwachsene und Kinder, posiert gemeinsam im Freien vor einem großen Gebäude.
Teilnehmer:innen des Golden Ring Laufs 2024

Since 2014, Brother International GmbH, based in Bad Vilbel and Vienna, has been taking part in the "Golden Ring" charity project that it initiated itself. Branches around the world join together to form a ring to collect donations at an annual employee run and set an example against cancer.

After 10 years, the event, which is popular with employees and also involves their families, has become a major sporting event and social get-together. This year, 191 runners laced up their running shoes and ran a total of 600 kilometers for a good cause.

We are delighted to be among the four organizations supported in their work this year - a total of 2,000 euros went to the DKFZ as part of the charity run. A big thank you to all participants!

From Heidelberg to Seville - kilometers for cancer research

Henning Lindemann und Anja Kalb lächeln in die Kamera und halten gemeinsam einen großen Spendenscheck. Im Hintergrund sind silberne Plaketten mit den Namen verschiedener Stiftungen und Organisationen an einer weißen Wand befestigt.
Henning Lindemann überreicht nach seiner Rückkehr aus Sevilla den Spendenscheck an Anja Kalb vom DKFZ

In June, our supporter Henning Lindemann took on a challenge, not only of a physical but also of a personal nature: he cycled over 2,500 kilometers from Heidelberg to Seville, his wife's hometown in southern Spain, to raise funds for cancer research. Unfortunately, many people experience cancer diagnoses in the family, including Henning, who lost his beloved father to cancer. That's why he was determined to do something to help other people who are facing cancer themselves or as relatives. Many supporters stood by Henning's side, followed his journey for around three weeks and donated to the DKFZ.

He cycled during the day and spent the night in an egg-man tent or in small accommodations. He crossed France and Spain, passing through Lyon, Avignon, Girona, Barcelona, Valencia and many other cities. The journey had it all: coast and sea, old friends, animal acquaintances, tunnels, bike repairs and delicious meals in between. This fundraising campaign has the potential to be copied!

Henning's fundraising campaign raised a total of 3,277 euros. Many thanks to all donors and, of course, to Henning for his great and athletically challenging commitment to cancer research!

Charity event "Golf4Research"

Eine Gruppe von Menschen in gemischter Freizeitkleidung steht in einem Raum und posiert gut gelaunt mit erhobenen Händen. Einige tragen Golfkleidung und -accessoires.
Die Teilnehmer:innen des Charity Golfturniers "Golf4Research"

A strong and fun-loving woman who has declared war on cancer: Carol has terminal lung cancer. But that hasn't stopped the US-born woman from raising money for cancer research. Together with her husband, she organized a charity golf tournament, which took place on 8 June 2024 at Schloss Maxlrain Golf Club near Bad Aibling.

On her initiative, almost 15,000 euros were raised for cancer research and donated to the DKFZ. Carol's aim is to give hope to others affected by cancer, raise awareness of the issue and encourage people to take preventive measures.

"I want to make sure that enough money is raised for cancer research," says the 55-year-old, "the extra time that the medication has given me has been an absolute gift." Carol's wish is to leave a legacy in the form of the golf tournament - it will continue in her spirit for years to come.

We would like to thank Carol, her family and friends as well as the golf club for their great commitment and donation!

Running for a new best time and cancer research

Michaela Thulke in Laufkleidung und mit Startnummer steht lächelnd inmitten von anderen Läufern. Auf ihrem T-Shirt steht: „Ich laufe für die Krebsforschung“.
Michaela Thulke kurz vorm Start ihres Laufs in Hamburg - bereit für eine neue Bestzeit

In April, our supporter Michaela Thulke ran the Haspa Hamburg Marathon. With a specific goal: every minute faster than her previous best time means 10 euros for the DKFZ.

In 2018, she ran the marathon in Hamburg for the first time and already had commitments for the following year and a marathon in Berlin. But then Michaela was diagnosed with breast cancer and was no longer able to pursue her passion for running as she had originally planned. Even 10-minute walks pushed Michaela to her limits. In addition to her family and friends, the experts from the Cancer Information Service also gave her support during this time. The enthusiastic runner vowed to return to the marathon in Hamburg: Today, five years later, Michaela has beaten cancer and even managed her new personal best time of 4:20:16 - congratulations!

Through Michaela's initiative, 568 euros have been donated, and in the fall she wants to start again for cancer research and run a new best time. We would like to thank her very much for her support and sporting commitment!

Dancing together for a good cause

DJane NIKOLINA und Anja Kalb vom DKFZ halten lächelnd einen großen Spendenscheck. Im Hintergrund sind silberne Plaketten an einer weißen Wand angebracht.
DJane NIKOLINA übergab den Spendenscheck, stellvertretend für alle Mitwirkenden, an Anja Kalb von der Privaten Forschungsförderung am DKFZ

Partying and doing good can be combined: Under the motto "let's dance together for a good cause", DJane NIKOLINA realized her heart project on 06.04.2024. Together with the Gotec Club in Karlsruhe, she organized a charity rave for the DKFZ. She and all the other artists waived their fees, as did the entire service staff, and all ticket proceeds were also donated to support cancer research in the best possible way.

NIKOLINA herself lost her mother to cancer at the age of 16. It is therefore important for her to remove the taboo surrounding cancer and raise awareness of cancer. This motivated her to start her personal fundraising campaign in the form of a charity rave and to offer all those celebrating an unforgettable evening.

We would like to thank NIKOLINA for her incredible commitment and heart, Gotec and everyone involved, who made a total donation of 7,416.27 euros possible. Thank you for your lasting support!

Start a fundraising campaign at school: "Cake against cancer"

Sechs junge Menschen posieren in einem Eingangsbereich vor einem „Willkommen“-Banner. Einige halten Teller mit Kuchen und Muffins, andere präsentieren selbst gebackene Speisen.
Magdalena Wiesemann und ihre Schüler:innen verkaufen "Kuchen gegen Krebs" an ihrer Berufsschule

Pupils from the state vocational school in the South Hesse Vocational Training Center (BBW) and their teacher Magdalena Wiesemann launched the "Cake against Cancer" fundraising campaign for the DKFZ. The aim of the campaign was to sell homemade cakes and cookies for cancer research. The class designed advertising flyers and planned the sales stand and the range of cakes.

In total, the class donated 375.18 euros to the DKFZ - thank you very much for your commitment!

All the pupils in the class were able to ask the donations team questions about donations and how they are used at the DKFZ during a video conference. We would like to thank them for the successful exchange and their support.

"Retirement" does not mean standing still: a farewell party for the DKFZ

Ein Mann mittleren Alters mit kurzen Haaren und einer gestreiften roten Hemdbluse blickt in die Kamera. Im Hintergrund sind Bäume, Gebäude und ein See zu sehen.
Portraitfoto von Dany Provost

Our donor Dany Provost is an engineer and has been passionate about working in the space industry since 1985. Since 2002, he has been employed by the European Organization for Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) in Darmstadt. Despite his enthusiasm for his profession, cutting-edge technology and international contacts, in January of this year it was time for the next phase of his life: retirement. On the occasion of his farewell party at the company with many colleagues, Dany Provost called for donations to the DKFZ.

Dany Provost lost close family members to cancer. Because of these painful experiences, it was important to him to join forces to promote and support cancer research. He is very grateful to his colleagues:

"Thank you so much for your kind contribution to my leaving present! As you know, I support the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and your contribution goes entirely to the research center. All together we managed to collect 530 euro. Good luck to all of you and see you around at one of the EUMETSAT yearly social events!"

Many thanks to Dany Provost for her commitment and a big thank you to all donors.

Getting creative for cancer research: "Crêpes against cancer" fundraising campaign

Fünf junge Erwachsene stehen lächelnd in einer Küche und posieren vor einem Herd.
Spendenaktion „Crêpes gegen Krebs“

We are grateful for every donation. Why? Because the initiators help to raise awareness of cancer, cancer research and cancer prevention among their fellow human beings through fundraising campaigns. This is also demonstrated by the extremely creative fundraising campaign "Crêpes against Cancer", launched by (Erasmus) students from TU Berlin and Berlin University of the Arts: Ola Ur Sæbø, together with friends and other helpers, sold homemade crêpes and mulled wine for a good cause in their student hall of residence.

They have always enjoyed using international Cancer Awareness Months such as Movember to be part of the awareness movement. This time it was to be a sale with a resulting donation to the DKFZ.

They were able to donate a total of 195 euros to cancer research. We are delighted with this original fundraising campaign and would like to thank them for their support!

Award ceremony: The Dr. Ike Roland Prize 2024 goes to the DKFZ

Drei Personen posieren mit einem großen Scheck vor einem Hintergrund mit dem Logo des Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrums.
Oliver Roland und Paris Pourany von der Ike und Bertold Roland-Stiftung übergeben den Dr. Ike Roland-Preis an Prof. Dr. Josef Puchta

On January 15, 2024, Oliver Roland, Managing Director of the Ike and Berthold Roland Foundation in Mannheim, presented the Dr. Ike Roland Prize to the DKFZ. The prize is endowed with 5,000 euros and is intended to honor the DKFZ's exemplary scientific, medical and social commitment. "Research makes active help possible in the first place," says Oliver Roland. The DKFZ is grateful for the award and the generous support of its cancer research!

The foundation also sponsors artists and cultural institutions in Rhineland-Palatinate and supports the social commitment of institutions throughout Germany with sponsorship awards. The donor couple, Dr. Ike Roland and Bertold Roland, were themselves affected by cancer, which is why Oliver Roland is passionate about supporting cancer research: "It is thanks to their work that we know much more about it [cancer] and are better able to assess and treat it."

Here to find out more about the Ike and Berthold Roland Foundation.


Bagpipe school donates to the DKFZ - a musical visit for Christmas

Zwei Männer posieren vor einer Wand mit silbernen Plaketten. Einer hält einen Dudelsack, der andere einen großen Spendenscheck über 1.000 Euro. Beide lächeln in die Kamera.
Andreas Hambsch, Leiter der Dudelsackschule, übergibt den Spendenscheck an Prof. Dr. Josef Puchta

It got Christmassy at the DKFZ: Andreas Hambsch, founder and director of the bagpipe school, played the Christmas carol "Jingle Bells" on his Scottish bagpipes in front of the DKFZ Christmas tree. A video can be found on the DKFZ Instagram channel. It was an extraordinary experience!

Every year, the bagpipe school donates part of its income from online workshops, the sale of textbooks and the bagpipe learning app to social projects. This year, the donation of 1,000 euros went to the DKFZ and was handed over personally by Andreas Hambsch to Prof. Dr. Josef Puchta, Head of Private Research Funding at the DKFZ. The bagpipe school would like to support cancer research with its donation and make a contribution to better treatment options for cancer.

Many thanks to everyone involved for this generous donation and many thanks to Andreas Hambsch for his musical and very friendly visit.

Nicola Werner Challenge 2023 - 18,000 euros for research into HPV-related cancer

Sechs Personen stehen in einer Reihe und halten gemeinsam einen großen Spendenscheck über 18.000 Euro. Sie stehen vor einer Wand mit silbernen Plaketten.
Die NWC zu Besuch am DKFZ - Prof. Dr. Dirk Jäger erhält den Spendenscheck von Moritz Werner (beide mittig) und Freunden der Nicola Werner Challenge

The 8th edition of the Nicola Werner Challenge in September was more than successful: 800 cyclists in 6 countries and 16 cities, such as London, Paris, La Réunion and Berlin, took to the start line to set an example against HPV-related cancer and for HPV vaccinations for girls and boys.

The amount of donations was also exceeded once again - this year, 18,000 euros went to the DKFZ for the benefit of Prof. Dr. Dirk Jäger's research group for further research into HPV-related cancer. The other part of the donation went to the Gustave Roussy Cancer Institute in Paris. An NWC cycling team in Heidelberg also started in front of the DKFZ in September to set an example against HPV-related cancer.

Many thanks to Moritz Werner, all participants and donors who made this great donation result possible. We are already looking forward to the 9th edition of the NWC on September 14 in the coming year 2024.

Click here to to find out more about the Nicola Werner Challenge and take part next year!

A company wears pink - CeramTec in Plochingen draws attention to breast cancer (prevention)

Sieben Personen posieren in pinken und auffälligen Accessoires, darunter Hüte, Brillen und ein Flamingo-Kostüm. Sie stehen dicht beisammen und schauen gut gelaunt in die Kamera.
Pinktober - Die Mitarbeiter:innen von CeramTec setzten im Oktober auf Pink und tragen zu mehr Awareness beim Thema Brustkrebs bei

CeramTec once again supported the DKFZ this year with a donation of 2,000 euros. The occasion was "Pinktober" Breast Cancer Awareness Month: the company wants to use the campaign day to draw attention to breast cancer and remind people that early detection can save lives.

In addition to pink ribbons, sunglasses, pelicans and information on breast cancer prevention, activities for the team, such as a hula hoop event and a photo box, made for a successful #pinktober day.
Many thanks to CeramTec for the annual support of our cancer research and for the commitment of all employees worldwide against cancer!

In this video, CEO Dr. Hadi Saleh explains why it is so important for CeramTec to support cancer research.

Life goal: half marathon - Sophie Laas runs the Berlin Marathon 2023 and supports cancer research

Sophie Laas steht mit einer Medaille um den Hals im Zielbereich des Berlin Marathons.
Ziellinie überquert - Sophie Laas läuft in Erinnerung an ihre Mutter und für die Krebsforschung

Challenging her own body and running a marathon - a bucket list item and a dream shared by Sophie Laas and her mother. Sophie's mother was diagnosed with breast cancer back in 2020, the cancer returned in 2022 and Sophie's mother passed away. In memory of her mother, Sophie trained and made it, crossing the finish line at the Berlin Marathon on April 2nd.

Congratulations on such a great achievement, so much courage and commitment! Sophie has experienced how difficult it can be as a relative of someone with the disease. It is important to her to also give hope to families and friends of those affected.

As part of her marathon run, Sophie raised around 1,900 euros for cancer research at the DKFZ. Thanks to her support, we can achieve further successes in our cancer research and realize even more research projects - for a life without cancer.

Donate as a company - Herrmann GmbH is leading the way and supporting our cancer information service!

Vier Mitarbeiter der Hermann GmbH stehen nebeneinander vor dem Firmengebäude.
Als Unternehmen soziale Verantwortung zeigen: Die Herrmann GmbH unterstützt den Krebsinformationsdienst

Herrmann GmbH from Plüderhausen is supporting the DKFZ's Cancer Information Service (KID) with a donation of 500 euros. The company would like to support the KID's services, which offer up-to-date, reliable information and help in coping with the disease, particularly to those affected and their relatives.

Founded in 1979, the company is a provider in the field of building technology and automation and now employs more than 80 people. Two of its employees are themselves affected by cancer, so it was a matter close to the company's heart to thank the KID for its work in the form of a donation and to draw attention to the importance of quality-assured information.

We would like to express our sincere thanks for the support and are delighted with the appreciation shown to the KID.

"Yoga Mit Stefanie" - Yoga donation class in Berlin in aid of cancer research

Stefanie Albrecht sitzt lächelnd auf einer Bank vor einem Eingang mit großen Fenstern
Positive Energie: Stefanie Albrecht empfängt die Teilnehmer:innen ihrer Yoga-Spendenklasse.

Find inner peace and serenity while doing something good. On 18.05.2023, Stefanie Albrecht, also the protagonist of one of our donor portraits about specially initiated fundraising campaigns, once again organized a yoga donation class for all interested parties in Berlin: This time in a hybrid format, some participants took part on site in the studio, others from home. After the yoga class, everyone was able to share their experiences with cancer and talk about many other topics.

A total of 692 euros was raised at her organized donation class under the motto "Together against cancer", which Stefanie donated to the DKFZ. We would like to say a big thank you to Stefanie for her great commitment and this wonderful fundraising idea of a yoga donation class. It's great to have you on our side in the fight against cancer. Many thanks also to all the donors and everyone else involved who made the event possible.

Together against cancer - DKFZ visits the Adler Mannheim at the SAP Arena

Ein Mann hält lächelnd ein Eishockey-Trikot mit der Nummer 22 in die Kamera. Das Trikot trägt den Namen „Plachta“ sowie das Logo von SAP. Auf dem Trikot sind mehrere Unterschriften der Spieler sichtbar.
Der glückliche Gewinner des Trikots: Tommy, Eishockey-Fan aus Mannheim

On March 3, 2023, the DKFZ fundraising team was a guest of the Adler Mannheim ice hockey team at the SAP Arena in Mannheim. At the DKFZ information stand, Adler fans were able to find out more about cancer research. The aim of the campaign was to draw attention to the importance of cancer research in the region and worldwide.

There was also a competition with the kind support of the Adler Mannheim, in which a jersey of the current top scorer Matthias Plachta with the signatures of the entire team was raffled off. Congratulations to the winner Tommy (see photo) and also to the Adler Mannheim for winning this evening!

Many thanks to the team at the SAP Arena for the successful cooperation, the Adler Mannheim for their friendly support with the competition, to all participants in the competition and to all ice hockey fans who donated to cancer research.

Charity match 2.0 for cancer research - handball vs. soccer

Eine große Gruppe von jungen Handballspielern und -spielerinnen posiert gemeinsam in einer Sporthalle.
Nach Einstand beim Duell: Handballerinnen der SG Neuenhaus/Uelsen und Fußballer des SV Olympia Uelsen gemeinsam beim 2. Benefizspiel.

After three years, the charity match between the handball players of SG Neuenhaus/Uelsen and the footballers of SV Olympia Uelsen was fortunately held again in January in the sports hall in Uelsen. Despite a draw at the end, it was a rematch with plenty of goals, lots of fun for everyone involved and the common goal: to make a difference in the fight against cancer and to support cancer research.

An auction was organized during the break in play, with the proceeds of 6,800 euros going to the DKFZ once again this year.

We would like to thank the organizing team, in particular Alexandra Wolterink for the friendly communication, all the helpers, all the players and of course all the donors for the fantastic amount of money raised, which will now go to cancer research. Thank you for such a great sporting event and for your commitment!


Older contributions from previous years can be found in the archive of the DKFZ Donor Gallery.


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