Donations for special occasions
Are you planning your birthday, an anniversary or your wedding? Ask your guests to make a donation to cancer research instead of giving gifts. You can create your own online donation campaign here.

How does it work?
Contact us
Please inform us in advance about your planned donation campaign for a special occasion. We will also be happy to support you with your project, e.g. with information material, bank transfer forms, etc. for your guests.
Elisabeth Hohensee
Private research funding
German Cancer Research Center
+49 6221 42 2848
Appeal for donations from guests
Let your guests and friends know a keyword that they should use when making a donation to the German Cancer Research Center (e.g. “Greta Meier's birthday”).
If your guests state their name and address when making their donation, you will receive a donation receipt.
About six weeks after the event, we will send you a list of the donors for your keyword. We will also let you know the total amount. For data protection reasons, we do not disclose the individual amounts donated.
DKFZ donation account
Give your guests the details of our donation account:
Sparkasse Heidelberg
IBAN: DE98 6725 0020 0005 0000 50
or set up your own online donation page for your event here.