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Prof. Dr. Mathias Heikenwälder

Prof. Dr. Mathias Heikenwälder

Prof. Dr. Mathias Heikenwälder


Division Head


Chronic Inflammation and Cancer (F180)


+49 6221 42-3891

Prof. Heikenwälder (*1976) and his group investigate the molecular and cellular mechanisms that lead to chronic inflammation, tissue damage, cancer and metastasis. In tight collaboration with clinics he is working on new models and therapy approaches. Prof. Heikenwälder studied microbiology in Vienna. After a two-year-research trip at the Max-Delbrück-Zentrum for medicine in Berlin graduated 1999 with highest honors. He started his doctoral thesis at the institute of neuropathology in Zurich and successfully graduated 2004 on the field of prion diseases. After his habilitation at the medical faculty oft he Universitätsspital Zürich he received 2007 a Max-Cloëtta-Professorship and started his work as a group leader with the research focus on "inflammation and cancer". In the year 2010he became junior professor at the TUM as well as group leader at the institute for virology at the Helmholtz Zentrum in Munich. Since 2015 Prof. Heikenwälder is group leader in the division F180 „chronic inflammation and cancer" at the German Cancer Research Centre in Heidelberg.

Major Commendations

  • ERC Consolidator Grant (2016)
  • Walther und Christine Ritzenhain-Preis (2012)
  • ERC Starting Grant (2010)
  • Hans-Peter Hofschneider-Preis (2010)
  • Götz-Preis, vergeben an der Universität Zürich, Schweiz (2009)
  • Max-Cloëtta Professorship (2007)
  • EMPIRIS Award (2006)
  • Creutzfeld-Preis (2004)

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