Study Program

Course Structure and Content


Motivation and Aims

The Major "Cancer Biology", which is part of the Master Program "Molecular Biosciences" of the Faculty of Biosciences, University of Heidelberg, has been designed to cover all relevant aspects of cancer research. It offers an outstanding environment for Master thesis research and, at a later stage, also for doctoral thesis research. It provides splendid interdisciplinary training and research opportunities in basic, translational, and clinical cancer research. The fields which are covered include molecular and cellular tumor biology, biophysics and medical physics, structural and functional genomics and proteomics, systems biology, tumor immunology, tumor virology, tumor epidemiology, toxicology, and translational oncology.

Many DKFZ laboratories are incorporated into our innovative Major "Cancer Biology" Program. This allows the students to experience cutting edge science and to interact with internationally leading scientists at a very early stage of their career.

Modular Structure

The regular study program comprises 4 semesters. However, after the very structured modules of the first and second semesters the program from the second year on becomes much more flexible. Especially the 3rd semester modules are self-organized, not bound to academic semester times and can be extended and/or complemented with additional internship experiences according to the students' preferences. Consequently, the current average time in the program until graduation is 29.4 months. 

Heidelberg University Course Catalogue for MSc Molecular Biosciences

Modulhandbuch (available in German only) // MolBio Rules and Regulations (Prüfungsordnung) with Annex of Modules (English Translation) 

Schedule and University Calendar

heiCO: Heidelberg Campus Online: Overview of Courses in heiCO
(to find the courses offered by Major Cancer Biology: choose desired 'Term', for example "2024 W" or "2025 S"; go to 'Filter', scroll down to 'Tags', select tag 'Molbio_Cancer', push ‘Apply’)

student group attending practical course week (8 students per course), with supervisor Dr. Aoife Gahlawat practical course week (8 students per course), with supervisor Dr. Aoife Gahlawat
practical course week (8 students per course), with supervisor Dr. Aoife Gahlawat

Teaching modalities of lectures and courses 'after Corona'

  • all lectures and practical courses are back to in-person/in-classroom teaching
  • access to DKFZ is no longer restricted to fully vaccinated individuals
  • standard safety and hygiene concepts must be obeyed

Semester 1

“Crash Course”

  • Theoretical and Practical Training in Basic Laboratory Methods and Techniques - mainly for incoming students with little practical experience in standard molecular biological methods
  • Participants are identified and assigned to the course during the Welcome Events
  • Dates and location: week 21.-25. October 2024, DKFZ Teaching Lab
  • Instructors: Dr. Richard Harbottle and his team from the DNA Vector Lab

'Frontiers in Biosciences' (program schedule of Winter Term 2024/2025)

Lecture Series and Tutorials on Molecular Biosciences

mandatory for all Master students of all Majors, centrally organized by the Faculty of Biosciences

  • 1st Lecture period (Frontiers I):
    lecture period: 16. October - 22. November 2024 [lecture pause: 30. Oct. – 5. Nov.]
    lecture times: 18:15–19:45 (lectures on Wednesday-Thursday-Friday)
    tutorials: 8:15–9:45 (tutorials in parallel groups on Monday or Tuesday)
    date of written exam: 16. December 2024; retake: date t.b.d./t.b.a.
  • 2nd Lecture period (Frontiers II): 
    lecture period: 7. January - 7. March 2025
    Week 1: Core Competencies (mandatory attendance): 
    Epigeum Course: Research Integrity, responsible conduct of research; Science Communication, Ethics and statistics, the replication crisis
    Weeks 2 - 9: all seven Majors of the program organize 2-week modules ("Minors") of lectures and tutorials (choice of two topics, preferably different from their own Major, is mandatory for all students)
  • Download of schedules:
    Frontiers in Biosciences I
    Frontiers in Biosciences II: Overview and Minor in Cancer Biology details

3-week Practical Courses with Student Seminars

two out of seven are mandatory for each student, one before (module Frontiers-I) and one after (module Frontiers-II) the Christmas break

  • HP-F1: Molecular, Genetic and Bioinformatic Approaches in Cancer Research course description in heiCO
    date: 11.-29. November 2024
    capacity: 8 students
  • HP-F2: Applied Tumor Immunity, Bioinformatics, and Stress Response in Stem Cells course description in heiCO
    date: 4. November - 8. December 2024 [pause: 11.-22. Nov.]
    capacity: 8 students
  • HP-F3: Cancer Metabolism, Translational Proteomics and Epigenetics, Organoid Cancer Models course description in heiCO
    date: 25. November - 12. December 2024 [pauses: 6.-10. Nov., 20. Nov. - 1. Dec.]
    capacity: 8 students
  • HP-F4: Biomedical Imaging and Radiation Oncology course description in heiCO
    date: 7.-24 January 2025
    capacity: 8 students
  • HP-F5: Advanced Methods in Cell Biology course description in heiCO
    date: 3.-21. February 2025
    capacity: 8 students [4 Major Cancer Biology + 4 Major MCB]
  • HP-F6: 'Oncolytic Viruses' and 'Gene Therapy' course description in heiCO
    date: 27. January - 14. February 2025
    capacity: 6 students
  • HP-F7: Transcriptional and Translational Control of Cell Fate course description in heiCO
    date: 17. February - 7. March 2025
    capacity: 6 students

Semester 2

'Focus Bioscience' (program schedule of Summer Term 2025; planning in progress, will be continuously updated)

Module 1: Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer

Lecture Series and Tutorials on "Molecular Principles of Cancer Development"

The lecture series recapitulates various chapters of the book "The Biology of Cancer" by Robert Weinberg.
Schedule of Lecture Series “Focus in Bioscience 1” with speakers and lecture topics [download 1-page overview]

  • Lecture Period: 7. April - 16. May 2025
  • Time/Mode: Lectures and tutorials take place from 8:15 - 9:45 am; location: DKFZ seminar rooms
  • Written Examination: Wednesday 28th May 2025 (exam time: 90 min)

3-week Practical Courses with Student Seminars

one course in this module is mandatory for each student


Module 2: Tumor Immunology, Virology and Cancer

Lecture Series and Tutorials on "Tumor Immunology and Tumor Virology"

Schedule of Lecture Series "Focus in Bioscience 2" with lecture topics and names of lecturers is in preparation (final schedule available for download soon)

  • Lecture Period: 10. June - 4. July 2025 (Tumor Immunology lectures); 7.-25. July 2025 (Tumor Virology lectures)
  • Time/Mode: Lectures and tutorials take place from 8:15 - 9:45 am; location: various DKFZ and TP3 seminar rooms
  • Written Examination: Friday 1st August 2025 (exam time: 90 min)


3-week Practical Courses with Student Seminars

one course in this module is mandatory for each student

Semester 3

'Biolab' and 'Working in Bioscience'

Each student undertakes two lab research internships - regular minimum duration: 6 weeks lab work (expendable for up to 6 months), followed by report writing time - that consist of a small, hypothesis-driven scientific research project, either in the laboratory of a Major Faculty member (Module ‘Biolab’), or in the context of another Major, within a foreign research program, or in a company with oncological research (Module 'Working in Bioscience').


  • Both projects can be done within the Major, only one of them can be done externally.
  • External projects require the approval of the Coordinator.
  • Most of the projects announced are also open to students from other Majors of MSc Molecular Biosciences, or from other Heidelberg master programs, or for external guest and international exchange students; for individual specifications see description.
  • Application and arrangements are made directly with the supervisors. 


Overview of "Biolab" and "Working in Bioscience" Research Internship project announcements offered by Major Cancer Biology faculty members (selection):

Semester 4

'Master Thesis and Oral Defense'

The Module 'Masters Thesis Work' lasts six months and is done in the laboratory of one of the teachers in the Cancer Biology program. You undertake a laboratory research project relevant to the Major, write a thesis, and defend it in an oral presentation.

Get in touch with us

Employee image
Prof. Dr. Ilse Hofmann
Scientific Coordinator Major Cancer Biology
Eva Gundel, Administration Office of Major Cancer Biology @ DKFZ
Eva Gundel
Administration Office Major Cancer Biology

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