Cancer Survivorship

  • Cancer Risk Factors and Prevention
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Prof. Dr. Volker Arndt


The Unit of Cancer Survivorship was established in March 2016 and is associated with the Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Aging Research. The term "cancer survivorship" refers to the life with or after cancer.

Fortunately, survival rates for most cancers have improved significantly over the last few decades. It is estimated that there are currently around five million cancer survivors in Germany (persons who have been diagnosed with, and are living with or beyond cancer). Over 60% of these are long-term survivors, i.e. persons who have survived for five years or more after being diagnosed with cancer. For many of those, cancer is considered a chronic disease that can affect their health and quality of life even years after diagnosis.

Our research

Our research focuses on the short- and long-term physical, psychological, social, and economic effects of cancer and its treatment on cancer survivors and their families. We also study which groups of cancer patients (e.g. by sex, type of cancer, or social background) are more likely to suffer from such consequences. In addition, we are actively engaged in international projects to develop instruments to assess the health-related quality of life of cancer patients and survivors. With the results of our research, we aim to identify starting points for improved risk-adapted care and aftercare.


The origin of our work is rooted in large population-based cohort studies on health-related quality of life, long-term and late effects of cancer (CAESAR, PROCAS, DACHS/ IMPACT). In addition, we did further studies on specific topics such as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer patients and survivors (CroKuS) or unmet needs (EiBe), as well as registry based studies (CapGer, CoDiCa). We are also involved in international projects and initiatives such as EORTC QLQ-SURV, EUonQoL and INE-CSC. After numerous studies have highlighted the needs of cancer survivors, we are also involved in an intervention project (IMPULS-A), in which a survivorship program is developed and evaluated in a randomized controlled trial.


Cancer Survivorship addresses multiple aspects in the life of cancer survivors. This multidisciplinarity is exemplified by the diverse professional backgrounds of our team, which include Medicine, Clinical Epidemiology, Public Health, Psychology, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Economics:

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    Maya Basbous

  • Foto von Dr. Daniela Doege

    Dr. Daniela Doege

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  • Foto Julian Frick

    Julien Frick

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    Yifeng Gao

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    Chien-Tzu Lee

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    Zhiwei Lian

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    Stuti Sinha

  • Foto von Dr. Melissa Thong

    Dr. Melissa Thong

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  • Foto von Chunsu Zhu

    Chunsu Zhu

  • Foto von Zhounan Zhu

    Zhounan Zhu

Entire Team

Selected Publications

2025 - Int J Cancer 2025;156: 711-22
2021 - J Natl Compr Canc Netw
2017 - Acta oncologica
All Publications

Get in touch with us

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Prof. Dr. Volker Arndt
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Iris Nath

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