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PD Dr. Odilia Popanda

PD Dr. Odilia Popanda

PD Dr. Odilia Popanda



Education and Academic Qualification

1974-1980 Diploma in Chemistry (Dipl. Chem.), Technical University of Karlsruhe, Germany
1985 PhD Thesis (Dr. rer. nat.), University of Heidelberg, Germany
2002 Habilitation at the Faculty of Bioscience at the University of Heidelberg

Professional Career

1985 to 1999 Postdoc and Senior Scientist in the Division "Interaction of Carcinogens with Biological Macromolecules" at the German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany
1999 to 2007 Senior Scientist at the Division "Toxicolgy and Cancer Risk Factors" at the German Cancer Research Center
Since 2007 Senior Scientist at the Division "Epigenomics and Cancer Risk Factors" at the German Cancer Research Center

Major Research Interests

  • Investigating causes for inter-individual variability of DNA repair activity on the genetic, epigenetic, transcriptional, and functional level
  • Developing DNA repair markers for the identification of individuals at increased cancer risk and for prediction of therapy outcome and prognosis with special emphasis on side effects of radiotherapy
  • Validation of developed biomarkers in molecular epidemiological studies

    Further Professional Activities

    Member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für DNA- Reparaturforschung (DGDR)
    Member of the steering committee of the Master Major "Cancer Biology" of the Faculty of Bioscience, University of Heidelberg

    List of publications
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