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Dr. David Brocks

Dr. David Brocks

Dr. David Brocks



German-Israeli Helmholtz Research School in Cancer Biology

Thesis topic: Tumor heterogeneity 


Publication list:

  1. Lipka DB, Wang Q, ... Brocks D, ... Trumpp A, Milsom MD, Plass C. Identification of DNA methylation changes at cis-regulatory elements during early steps of HSC differentiation using tagmentation-based whole genome bisulfite sequencing. Cell Cycle. 2014; 13(22): 3476-87. Abstract

  2. Oakes CC, Claus R, Gu L, ... Brocks D, ... Zenz T, Plass C. Evolution of DNA methylation is linked to genetic aberrations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Cancer Discov. 2014; 4(3): 348-61. Abstract

  3. Bierhoff H, Dammert MA, Brocks D, Dambacher S, Schotta G, Grummt I. Quiescence-induced LncRNAs trigger H4K20 trimethylation and transcriptional silencing. Mol Cell. 2014; 54(4): 675-82. Abstract

  4. Brocks D, Assenov Y, ...  Gerhäuser C, Plass C; ICGC Early Onset Prostate Cancer Project. Intratumor DNA methylation heterogeneity reflects clonal evolution in aggressive prostate cancer. Cell Rep. 2014; 8(3): 798-806. Abstract

  5. Cabezas-Wallscheid N, ... Brocks D, ... Milsom MD, Plass C, Krijgsveld J, Trumpp A. Identification of regulatory networks in HSCs and their immediate progeny via integrated proteome, transcriptome, and DNA methylome analysis. Cell Stem Cell. 2014;15(4): 507-22. Abstract

  6. Brocks D. Musical patterns for comparative epigenomics. Clin Epigenetics. 2015; 7(1): 94. Abstract

  7. Walter D, ...  Brocks D, ... Trumpp A, Milsom MD. Exit from dormancy provokes DNA-damage-induced attrition in haematopoietic stem cells. Nature. 2015; 520(7548): 549-52. Abstract

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