Micro MRI

For the development of MRI methods, we have a shielded ultra-wide-bore magnet as part of the Joint NMR Facility, which is operated together with the Department of Drug Discovery (A390) in Technology Park 4 (INF 581). A chemistry laboratory for sample preparation and various 3D printers for phantoms are directly attached.

Several micro-imaging coils with diameters from 5 to 30 mm are available for RF excitation and detection. All coils are tunable to the 1H frequency and some have a second resonator tunable to 129Xe, 19F or 23Na. The RF system includes two amplifiers for excitation with 1H/19F (100 W) or X-nuclei (500 W). A VT unit is used to carry out experiments at different sample temperatures. A second sample head with animal bed and animal monitoring (ECG and respiratory trigger, temperature monitoring) is available for experiments on mice.



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