Scientific articles, conference and book contributions


Heidt C, Ouédraogo N & Schaller K (2024) Promotion of alcohol on Instagram in Germany. Poster, 4th International Conference on Cancer Prevention, October 29-30, 2024, Heidelberg, Germany



Schaller K, Heidt C, Ouédraogo N, Kahnert S & Seiler J (2023) Media monitoring: advertising for e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products in social media in Germany. Poster, presented at the SRNT-E, September 11-13, 2023, London

Treede I, Kahnert S & Schaller K (2023) E-Cigarette Toxicity and Health Effects - How to Communicate Scientific Evidence to Politics and the Public. Poster presented at the 9th European Conference on Tobacco or Health (ECToH), April 26-28, 2023, Madrid

Heidt C, Seiler J, Kahnert S, Ouédraogo N & Schaller K (2023) Media Monitoring: Advertising for Tobacco and Related Products in Social Media. Poster presented at the 9th European Conference on Tobacco or Health (ECToH), April 26-28, 2023, Madrid

Ouédraogo N, Rösl FW & Schaller K (2023) Support for Voluntary HPV-School-Based Vaccination in Germany - Results of a Country-Wide Survey in 2023. Poster, 35th International Papillomavirus Conference 2023, Washington

Ouédraogo N, Rösl FW & Köster C (2023) The German Roundtable on HPV - An Interdisciplinary Circle to Achieve the WHO Standard for Cervical Cancer Elimination. Poster, 35th International Papillomavirus Conference 2023, Washington

Moser K, Ouédraogo N & Maulbecker-Armstrong C (2023) Lost corona cohorts in HPV vaccination - Is there an impact on HPV-associated diseases? Poster, 35th German Cancer Congress 2023, Berlin

Moser K, Ouédraogo N & Maulbecker-Armstrong C (2023) HPV vaccination campaigns in Germany - Do they reach the target groups and increase willingness to vaccinate? Poster, 35th German Cancer Congress 2023, Berlin



Treede I, Schaller K, Kahnert S, Garcia-Verdugo R, Graen L & Ouédraogo N (2022) Effective science communication for public health: The Alcohol Atlas Germany 2022. Poster, presented at the 3rd International Conference on Cancer Prevention, 26-27.10.2022, Heidelberg, Germany

Ouédraogo N & Köster C (2022) The "German Roundtable on HPV prevention" - an interdisciplinary circle to achieve the WHO standard for cervical cancer elimination. Poster, presented on 27.10.2022 at the 3rd International Conference on Cancer Prevention in Heidelberg

Ouédraogo N & Köster C (2022) Roundtable on HPV-related cancer elimination in Germany - a tool to achieve the WHO target for cervical cancer elimination. Poster, presented on 15.06.2022 at the 7th National Vaccination Conference in Wiesbaden



Schott E, Ouédraogo N & Mons U (2021) Promising Strategies to Increase HPV Vaccination Rates in Germany - Current Situation, Challenges and Opportunities. Poster, 2nd International Conference on Cancer Prevention 2021, Heidelberg



Kahnert S, Driezen P, Demjén T, Fernández E, Katsaounou PA, Trofor AC, Przewoźniak K, Fong GT, Vardavas CI & Mons U (2020) Changes in the effectiveness of tobacco warning labels after implementation of the European Tobacco Products Directive - findings from the EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe surveys. Poster, presented at the 8th European Conference on Tobacco or Health, 19-22.02.2020, Berlin



2018 - Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz


Kahnert S, Mons U, Fong GT, Quah ACK & Vardavas C (2018) Real-world effectiveness of national tobacco advertising bans among smokers: A comparison of six EU-countries from the EUREST-PLUS Project. Poster, presented at the ENSP-CNPT International Conference on Tobacco Control, 14-16.06.2018, Madrid

Schaller K, Kahnert S & Mons U (2018) E-cigarette use in Germany from 2014 to 2017. Poster, presented at the 17th World Conference on Tobacco or Health (WCTOH), Cape Town