National Cancer Prevention Week
National Cancer Prevention Week is a joint initiative of the German Cancer Aid (Deutsche Krebshilfe), the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and the German Cancer Society (Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft). The three organizations are drawing attention to the great potential of prevention. The vision: to prevent cancer from developing in the first place.
Strategic partnership
German Cancer Aid and the DKFZ have formed a strategic partnership to join efforts in the fight against cancer and further exploit the great potential of prevention. The common goal of the two organizations is to explore cancer risks, make living environments healthier and motivate people to adopt more conscious behavior.
In September 2019, German Cancer Aid and the DKFZ launched the first National Cancer Prevention Week under the motto “Prevention is possible, dear neighbor! Active against cancer”.
The Cancer Prevention Week now takes place annually in September. Each year, the focus is on a different aspect of lifestyle that influences the risk of cancer.
Since 2021, the German Cancer Society has also been a partner of the National Cancer Prevention Week.
National Decade Against Cancer
The strategic partnership is also a contribution by the DFKZ and the German Cancer Aid to the National Decade Against Cancer, which the Federal Ministry of Education and Research proclaimed in January 2019.