Research Group Visualization and Forensic Imaging

Visualization and Forensic Imaging

Research Focus

Visualization of medical imaging data is an ever increasing radiological research field. Modern CT and MRI scanners generate thousands of high-resolution images in a few seconds (CT) or minutes (MRI) that have be analyzed for relevant findings. 2D images are often vague to understand for non-radiologists colleagues or patients. Therefore, radiologists provide advice to referring physicians and patients. This interaction with non-radiologists and patients requires easy understandable three-dimensional images that can be time-efficient and conclusive.

Visualization of CT and MR imaging data in clinical and forensic context

Ansprechpartner: Glemser

Cooperations with the Department of Traumatology, BG Trauma Center Ludwigshafen, the Department of Spine Surgery, Ethianum Heidelberg and the Department of Forensic Medicine Heidelberg have been initiated. Priority objectives are improvements in doctor-doctor-interaction (i.e. surgical planning, visualization of complex clinical or forensic cases) and patient-doctor-interaction taking into account novel photorealistic rendering systems and augmented reality tools as well as smart devices for illustration in MDT sessions, patients talks and in medical education i.e. gross anatomy.


Selected Publications

1.    Glemser PA, Pfleiderer M, Heger A, et al. New bone post-processing tools in forensic   imaging: a multi-reader feasibility study to evaluate detection time and diagnostic accuracy in rib fracture assessment. Int J Legal Med. 2017 Mar;131(2):489-496.
2.    Glemser PA, Krauskopf A, Simons D et al. Clinical forensic imaging. Detection and documentation of internal injuries in living victims of violence. Radiologe. 2015 Oct;55(10):901-14.
3.    Simons D, Sassenberg A, Schlemmer HP et al. Forensic imaging for causal investigation of death. Korean J Radiol. 2014 Mar-Apr;15(2):205-9.


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