Research Group PET/MRI

PET/MR in radiation treatment planning

Contact: Dr. med. Bettina Beuthien-Baumann

The Radiotracer PSMA (Prostate-specific-membrane-antigen), a development of the Radiopharmacy group of the DKFZ, has emerged as a sensitive imaging probe for staging of prostate cancer with hybrid PET. Prospective work will investigate the possible integration of PSMA-PET/MR into radiation treatment planning. Optimized PET/MR-protocols could translate into individualized radiation treatment plans in patients with prostate cancer. This work will be implemented in close collaboration with the Radiation Oncology Department of the University Hospital Heidelberg.

Motion correction

Fig.1 Lung phantom: A: "blurring" of lung lesions due to periodic ventilation B: visualization of distinct lesions after MR-based motion correction ©

Contact: Dr. med. Bettina Beuthien-Baumann, Dr. med. Oliver Sedlaczek

Even shallow breathing induces blurring of PET-data, which influences identifiability and quantitative evaluation, especially of small lesions (Fig. 1). Concurrent acquired MR-data can be used to correct for periodic motion of thorax and upper abdomen [1]. The feasibility of generating motion corrected PET-data, their influence on the detectability of small malignant lesions and the impact on the staging of oncologic diseases like bronchial carcinoma or malignancies of the upper abdomen, are investigated.

Selected Publications


1. Rank CM, Heußer T, Wetscherek A, Freitag M, Sedlaczek O, Schlemmer H, Kachelrieß M. Respiratory motion compensation for simultaneous PET/MR based on highly undersampled MR data. MedPhys (2016) 43:6234-6245.


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