Research Group Bronchial Carcinoma
Current research - Thorax - Lung cancer

[autotranslated from German content]
Of all cancers, lung cancer is the most common
cause of death in men and the 3rd most common cause of death in
women. For both sexes, it is the 3rd most common cause of new
malignant disease.
Therefore, the investigation of the
physiology and pathophysiology of the lungs, their accompanying vessels
and bronchi as well as the adjacent lymph nodes is a central topic in the DKFZ Radiology Division.
The DKFZ conducts basic research in this area:
- Imaging using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): fast sequencing techniques
- Imaging using computed tomography (CT): new methods for
dose reduction
- Measurement of local blood flow (perfusion) in MRI
- Measurement of local cellularity (diffusion imaging) in MRI
- Measurement of local tumor movement in MRI
Interdisciplinary approaches:
- Integration of all available image data for joint (multimodal)
evaluation in the context of individual therapy (e.g. radiotherapy, radiotherapy).e.g. radiotherapy,
chemotherapy, surgery).
- Experimental validation of the investigated parameters.
- Individual validation through follow-up examinations and comparison
of the procedures.
Close scientific integration with the Division of Medical
Physics in Radiology and the clinical cooperation unit
Nuclear Medicine at the DKFZ.
Excellent clinical cooperation with the Cooperation Unit for
Radiotherapy at the DKFZ and the Heidelberg University Hospital as well as the
entire Thoraxklinik-Heidelberg.
Supra-regional cooperation with Siemens, Fraunhofer MEVIS and the
universities of Freiburg, Kiel, Mannheim and Würzburg, among others.